Special Announcement! Gluten Free Gigi’s 2011 Holiday Guide

I know I’ve already posted a blog this week, but this is too exciting not to share TODAY!

I wanted to let you know about a great resource for special diets for this holiday season.

My friend, Gigi, of GlutenFreeGigi.com has created a Holiday Guide featuring over 40 fantastic recipes, each with its own step-by-step How-To video!

All the recipes are GLUTEN FREE CASEIN FREE and free from dairy, soy, and nuts!  I can’t tell you how excited I am – this is an amazing and essential tool in my arsenal to help my son not be a Grinch this season because he has to eat “special foods only”.

The Holiday Guide is full of tips and secrets for getting terrific results every time simply and affordably!

If you’d like to learn more, click here!

An Evening Seminar with Angie Marshall

I am so excited to bring this special opportunity to my Atlanta friends, fans and followers!

Parents, if you and your child are struggling with:

  • Potty-training
  • Sleeping issues
  • Verbal communication
  • Socializing with other kids
  • Repetitive movements
  • Following simple instructions
  • Reading issues
  • Sensory meltdowns and temper-tantrums
  • Sound sensitivity
  • Aversion to touch and texture
  • Coordination
  • Picky eating, food sensitivities

Sound Training Helps Children with ADD/ADHD, Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome, Sensory Dysfunction, Dyslexia/Reading problems

Spirit of Autism and The Listening Center

proudly present

An Evening Seminar with Angie Marshall, MBA


Thursday, June 16

6:30 pm

Under the Umbrella Play Center
8560 Holcomb Bridge Road
Suite 120
Alpharetta, GA 30022

LIMITED SEATING – hurry before spaces are gone!

RSVP by Monday, June 13

440.939.6211 or go to the Seminars page and sign up!

Please feel free to download the PDF flyer on the bottom of that page and share it with any other families that might benefit from this FREE seminar.

Regression or Progression?

I recently did my mid-integration checklist and interview for Justin’s Listening Training. As he is getting ready for his next intensive, I wanted to share some amazing gains I observed – new behaviors that I attribute to his first round of EnListen® and additional supports from home, including:

  • Introduction of Chewelry to redirect chewing (I’ll be dedicating an entire blog post to this great product shortly!!)
  • Addition of digestive enzymes, probiotics, and Omega Fatty Acid oil to his diet
  • Increased yoga and fitness routines after school

Understand that every child is different and may or may not show the same gains or at the same rate, especially after only the first intensive. These are things that improved in my child:

  • He now understands and carries out multi-step instructions (e.g., “Put on your socks, brush your teeth, and meet me in the kitchen.”)
  • Bathroom experience: his body now signals that he has to go – no more accidents (thank you!); it is an easier experience – 15 minutes in the bathroom instead of 45!
  • He is aware of possible consequences before proprioceptive crashing – Justin will now run up to things and stop and think first about whether or not it might be a good idea. He redirects himself for the first time.
  • Empathy, remorse – he consciously apologizes after accidentally hurting someone and doesn’t repeat action!
  • Fine motor improvement – he is better able to dress himself; he even wore jeans for the first time and buttoned them with no assistance!
  • Initiating bedtime on his own – he’s getting tired earlier in the evenings, and bedtime is no longer a long and drawn out process (except when he’s being a typical kid!)
  • Aware of why he has certain behaviors – when asked why he is displaying a certain behavior he is able to provide a logical answer rather than tuning out or shrugging it off
  • Report card improvement
  • Little to no spinning – much less stimming (excluding the return of recent verbal outbursts)
  • Realizing where he is in space – there is much less holding the walls when walking and chair tipping when sitting
  • Coordination, balance improvement – squatting, skipping, hurdles and obstacle courses, jumping improvement
  • Tactile gains – introduction of new clothing materials that previously were not tolerated
  • Initiating affection – this is a biggie! He is equating more with people and less with things.
  • Showing more independent thought and less echolalia (and much less regurgitated TV speak!) when asked questions or engaged in a conversation

Less than desirable changes noticed:

  • Expressing more frustration – this is due to experiencing certain feelings for the first time. Listening Training has begun the process of allowing him to be receptive to and in touch with his emotions. Justin will need to now learn how process those appropriately.
  • More meltdowns
  • The return of noises, verbal outbursts and personal space issues
  • Less motivation to complete schoolwork

Although this may appear to be a regression in behavior, I realize that Justin is experiencing a reorganization of how he sees the world and processes information. It’s going to take time for these changes to be integrated into daily practice. I have to dig a little deeper. Some of these behaviors are not necessarily a regression, rather familiar ways of coping with new feelings and experiences.

He is also reflecting his new feelings of frustration through verbal stimming and needs to learn new and appropriate ways of expressing them.

The next intensive will continue to address sound sensitivity as well as introduce organizational skills and theory of mind.

It is easy to focus on the behaviors we don’t want from our child when we see them, and immediately assume things are headed south once again. I don’t know about you, but raising a child with Autism is a roller coaster ride full of gains and regressions. It’s part of the process and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Looking at this progress now on paper, he truly has made some incredible gains. It is imperative that the school and I continue to support him with reward systems, redirection, and behavior alternatives as he learns to integrate information in a new way.

TYSA Brings TOPSoccer to the Community Again

Spring is in the air, and on the TYSA soccer field it is also buzzing with excitement! Young athletes with a spectrum of disabilities – some familiar with each other from the program’s debut in Fall 2010 and some new faces – greeted each other on Sunday, March 13 at Henderson Park.

“We are very excited about the start of the second season of the TOPSoccer Program at TYSA.  The feedback from the parents, players and volunteers from our inaugural season has been tremendous.  We look forward to building upon the initial success of the program and the opportunity it provides to these young athletes.  It is, without a doubt, one of the most rewarding and fulfilling programs the TYSA has been involved with since it’s inception in the late ‘70’s”  says Ken Barnett, the Director of the TOPSoccer Program at TYSA.

TOPSoccer (The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a community-based soccer training program for young athletes with disabilities, organized by Tucker Youth Soccer Association volunteers. The program is designed to bring the opportunity of learning and playing soccer to any boy or girl, who has a mental or physical disability. Our goal is to share the love of soccer with young athletes with disabilities. Through TYSA’s TOPSoccer program, these special young athletes feel that they are an integral part of Tucker Youth Soccer Association.  This program is open to all kids with any type of physical or mental disability between the ages of 6-18.

The TOPSoccer program at TYSA has been partially funded through grants from US Youth Soccer and adidas®.  These initial grants are helping to support the cost associated with starting this special program by allowing TYSA to provide TOPSoccer player with the basic equipment they need to participate in the program.

As the parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum, I am delighted to see the return of the amazing program, and so is my son! He greeted old teammates and welcomed new faces as he ran onto the field last week to start some drills.

I am really grateful for TOPSoccer; he hasn’t been able to participate in any type of organized sports in the past. It was also a great measure for me to see all the coordination and movement work I’ve been doing with him at home pay off in a safe environment!

TOPSoccer will meet in Henderson Park on Field 4 Sundays from 1 – 2 pm. Players and parents will meet on five Sunday afternoons for practice and then culminate in a Jamboree on the sixth Sunday.

Registration Fee: $25, which includes a Jersey, Socks, Shin Guards, a Ball, and a Carrying Bag.

Doctor’s approval required.

For further questions please contact Nancy Marsden, at admin@tysa.com or 404.219.3752.

My Son’s Interview with Mario & Luigi

Boy has it been a fun week at our house! I did an awesome project with my son and he really pulled it off beautifully! I’m so proud of him.

When I was a child I had to very creatively keep myself entertained. One of the things I remember doing was an interview with The Monkees: I taped myself asking clever questions and used snippets of their songs as the interview answers. Yeah, pretty dorky – I know!

I introduced this concept to my son and together we came up with funny questions for Mario and his brother Luigi. We used sound files from the actual video games as the answers.

Another one of the amazing gains I’ve witnessed in Justin since the start of his Listening Training is his ability to use inflections in his speech. Prior to this his voice was monotone and robotic, showing no differentiation between excitement or drudgery. He did such a good job, I just HAD to share it!

So without further ado… here is Justin interviewing Mario and Luigi:


In Other News…

My daughter turned 13! In her spirited uniqueness, we came up with a really fun party for her and her closest friends.

The theme was wolves… complete with “goth” photo shoot against a wolf paw backdrop. Then everyone was required to check their reservations at the door as we performed our own version of “Whose Line is it Anyway” (comedy improv show). It was hands-down the most creative party I’ve hosted to date. Here’s the cake I made:

We enjoyed the improv games so much that we decided to turn them into twice monthly gatherings with her friends! I’m really looking forward to coordinating it!! Finally, my 3 years in Drama class being put to use :)

This week’s lesson:

I learned that quality time with my children doesn’t have to cost anything more than my time and some creative ideas. How about you? What fun things have you done with your kiddos? Let me know by commenting below, or post your thoughts on Facebook or Twitter!


This isn’t my regular writing style, but I’m going to be extremely transparent right now.

I don’t know about you, but 2010 was quite a roller coaster ride! It was a year of major upheaval, victories, disappointments, and overall waves of contrast that offered opportunities for extreme growth! My biggest disappointment is that my business hasn’t taken off and served you in the highest way possible. Why? I believe it’s because I was all over the map – trying to be everything to everyone – which resulted in burning myself out and helping no one.

Well, it’s 2011. Maybe it already started out kind of icky, or maybe I haven’t quite kickstarted my heart yet (thanks, Motley Crue!). It doesn’t really matter how yesterday was, because the fact of the matter is that we create our experiences. Each day, each hour, each minute offers a chance to change my thoughts and change my reality.

It’s time for me to get laser focused on how to help you. Whether you’ve just received an Autism diagnosis for your child or you’re at the end of your rope because you’ve tried everything an are still frustrated and overwhelmed, HELP IS ON THE WAY.

Look for changes at Spirit Of Autism, including a regular, informative newsletter, surveys on exactly WHAT YOU NEED FROM ME, and much more support in the way of programs, teleclasses, and videos. I am your advocate, and I can’t wait to learn from you as well!

Also stay tuned for more standardized emergency response training programs in the works, as I collaborate with some pretty cool people that want to help!

Family changes

In addition to all the wonderful things I am doing at home with my son, this year I am committed to going 100% Gluten and Casein free. Justin has also excitedly started a customized plan using Nutrition Response Testing and whole food supplements, and is soon to start the EnListen® Listening Training Program. I will share with you our progress and results as we go through these amazing opportunities to help Justin improve things such as:

  • attention, focus and concentration
  • self-confidence
  • cognition skills
  • reading and writing
  • comprehension and memory
  • athletic performance
  • speech clarity
  • organization
  • body function
  • digestion
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • stresses and imbalances in the body

As for my daughter, my goal last year was getting her as much sibling support as possible. However, between her brother’s needs and my business, she already has strong feelings about all the focus and attention our family puts on Autism. Our new goal (which has already started to manifest – YES!) is to get her together with like-minded, creative peers so she doesn’t feel so isolated and withdrawn. Thanks to a wonderful guardian angel I just met, she will be homeschooled with a small group of kids instead of all with me. She also just joined a D&D group, which should open some new opportunities for her to share her imagination!

As for my New Year’s goals… I vow to be more centered, focused, and step into my best self without limits. I am going to stop trying to be super woman and  start allowing help from others, breaks, even down time for myself. (WHAT?!?!) You see, the best gift I can offer myself, my children, and all of you is to shine my light as brightly as possible. To do so, I must be as happy and healthy as I can be.

What about you? What are you letting go of? What are you stepping into? I’d love to hear about it!

Saying a Heart Felt Thank You

Salutations! Things are sure buzzing around my house these days! Getting ready for the holidays – keeping fingers crossed that eBay, er… um… SANTA will deliver the kids’ goods on time – and preparing for the launch of my new site, Autism Support Now. It’s still under construction, but I’ve posted a Holiday Safety article with tips for helping your child survive the chaos that often accompanies this time of year.

More importantly, as I shift into a place of really serving families that need support and information, I want to say a great big THANK YOU. Each and every one of you that takes the time out of your day to read my articles, comment on the blog, “like” my Facebook links and status updates, and Retweet me… I am blessed to have connected with all of you. I know that as I literally kick myself out of my comfort zone and answer the call to share everything I’ve learned these past five years, I look forward to bringing solutions and support to as many families as I can reach that are looking for a way out of confusion.

I was at my rope’s end so many times with no one to turn to, receiving conflicting information from everywhere I sought help. It is my mission and commitment to keep parents out of that dark place and armed with a clear-cut plan to bring out the best in their little angels.

I am also creating a more accessible training program for Emergency Responders, so look for more information on that soon!

So, from my family to yours, a huge THANK YOU for being you and dancing with me on this journey. Have the warmest and most blessed holiday!

Debi, Dorian, Justin, and Juno

A Valiant Effort + Failure = Great New Programs

So I passed the Firefighter written exam with flying colors – very exciting!  I come from a family of firefighters, paramedics, and police officers, and this opportunity made me light up with passion.  I helped start our county’s Citizen Volunteer programs with Fire Rescue four years ago and have been chomping at the bit ever since to get on board.

I then mentally and physically prepared for the Physical Ability Test (PAT). At 39 years young, 5’2″, and <110 lbs, I knew it was a stretch for me to pass this test but I was ready. I’ve been working out intensely six days a week for over three years. Oh, I knew it would be hard… but I honestly thought I had it in the bag.

I did not pass the PAT. You know what? I gave it my all. I didn’t walk away, didn’t give up, and ran the course until I had nothing left in me. I tried! I am so grateful for the chance to go for it.

Not to play the classic “Fox and the Grapes” theme, but here are some great reasons why I’m a bit relieved to have this behind me. These are not insurmountable challenges that I couldn’t have found solutions for with some crafty brainstorming, but nonetheless I am looking at realistic facts:

I am a single mom with a special needs child. 24-hour shifts would require very creative solutions! Childcare, school special events, and holidays all had potential to fall on my shifts. And they would! Also, who would the school call for a sick child? Could I leave the fireground to pick up a child having a sensory meltdown? I don’t think so!

Serving the Autism Community. The academy takes 100% of your time, energy, efforts, and dedication, as it should. Yet I recognize a great need in the Autism community for tools and support that simply aren’t available right now. I am committed to using my gifts in the highest way possible.

Children on the Spectrum Have Trouble Moving

  • There is a marked higher instance of gross motor deficits in children with Autism than their neurotypical peers
  • Gross motor deficits can include abnormal gait pattern, hip flexibility, spatial awareness, and trunk stability
  • These issues DO NOT SELF-CORRECT in time
  • Self-esteem suffers; they cannot perform many movements, cannot understand what’s expected of them, and in turn become even more socially awkward
  • Organized sports do not set the foundation for long-term skills and overcoming movement deficits
  • Many schools have cut or don’t regularly offer PE!
  • It’s been proven that children (and adults!) perform better on tests and cognitive functioning after they’ve moved around

The Fitness 4 Autism Program

  • I provide custom profile assessments to determine the quality of movement pattern and any deficits or exceptions that may be relevant
  • Pushing, pulling, squatting, and rotating movements done together will directly benefit physical, adaptive, and cognitive abilities
  • Working with your child and fitness boosts confidence, independence, and self-esteem and teaches goal setting
  • No expensive, large equipment needed! I come to you.
  • These movements taught also benefit not just sensory and gross motor skills, but fine motor skills as well
  • Speech targets, communication, and behavioral targets can also be incorporated into the program
  • Sharing this program with your child will also benefit the entire family – it sets everyone up for long-term health and fitness

Special Needs Training for Emergency Responders

With the staggering number of children being born on the Autism spectrum, one sector that absolutely needs to understand how these children process information and respond to situations is public safety. First and emergency responders are not trained to recognize and handle the unique physical and behavioral symptoms of Autistic patients or victims, which are likely to be exacerbated by a crisis or injury.

Do you think an Emergency Responder would know how to handle these behaviors?

  • Difficulty understanding language or gestures
  • Inability to follow multiple commands
  • Limited or no speech, or repetitive phrases only
  • Avoids eye contact
  • Spinning, rocking, flapping arms, hitting self, biting self
  • Inappropriate laughter or response
  • May not feel cold, heat, or pain in a typical manner
  • Hyper or hypo sensitivity to light, sound, smell, touch, or taste
  • Abnormal fears or lack of fear in a dangerous situation

I provide workshops and training classes for EMS, Fire Departments, Police Departments, Red Cross, and others where needed.

Overall, I am grateful to have a taste of following one of my dreams. I’m even more grateful to be able to continue volunteering for the county, helping to prepare families for disasters and hazards and being trained and able to respond to them when they arise.

Most of all, I am ecstatic that I can use my passions and dreams (and failures!) to refocus my energy and help children and families affected by Autism.

For more information on Fitness 4 Autism Program or Training for Emergency Responders, call 404.939.6211 or email Debi@SpiritOfAutism.org

Come to Six Flags Autism Awareness Day!

Calling all fellow Atlantans! I am very proud to be a part of this project!!

I humbly invite you to

Six Flags National Autism Awareness Day

Saturday, August 21, 2010

We invite you to our AUTISM AWARENESS DAY on Saturday, August 21, 2010. Enjoy a day of water fun with family and friends!



Step 1: Go to sixflags.com

Step 2: Pick a park – Six Flags White Water

Step 3: Go to PromoCode Box in upper right hand corner

Step 4: Enter the promo code WWAUTISM and purchase your tickets today!