autistic adults workplace

Guest Post: Autistic Adults in the Workplace

More autistic adults are entering the workforce than ever before and with it the number of resources benefiting both employees as well as employers is growing. Not only are these autistic adults entering the workforce, they are are thriving, and this may be a direct result of the growing network of support for those with autism. With growing awareness of the different types of autism and more advice it has never been easier to be an autistic adult in the workplace.

  • What Kind of Autism? – The first thing you need to know is that autism is known as a ‘Spectrum Disorder’, meaning that autism can range from high functioning to severe. Sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint as symptoms aren’t necessarily the same even with the same diagnosis, so it’s always best to have an open flow of communication between employer and employee so that both parties understand the specifics and the best way to handle them. Different skills and abilities will affect how they integrate into the workplace. If communication or social capabilities aren’t strong, autistic adults may prefer a quiet working environment rather than a busy office; some may not mind working with others but may have difficulties with changes and disruptions.
  • What Challenges are Commonly Faced? – While entering the workforce can be a challenge for everyone, for autistic adults they face a tough transition due to communication and social struggles. More common problems faced by autistic adults include:
  1. Difficulties adjusting to the working environment, especially if the workplace isn’t used to the needs of those with autism.
  2. Misunderstanding the emotions of others and responding in an inappropriate manner.
  3. Difficulties understanding instruction and changes in the routine.
  4. Behaviors that are obsessive or repetitive could disrupt the balance of the working environment, especially amongst other co-workers who aren’t used to or sensitive to the needs of those with autism.
  5. Processing sensory matter can sometimes interfere with work performance.

Fortunately, both employees with autism and their co-workers can overcome all of the challenges they may face through training. By researching training programs and support groups, employers can create a working environment of equals. Autistic adults can also look to improve their skills for a working environment the same way. It’s all about working together to create a professional and supportive working environment.

Thriving in the Job – With the right support and facilities autistic adults can thrive in their employment. There are many autism support organizations out there to help autistic adults find appropriate work placements as well as sourcing employers whom understand their needs. It’s important for those with autism to work in an environment where they are not discriminated and that meets their needs and capabilities; so it might be worth considering for an autistic employee to continue in a job skills support program while they are employed, to work out any communication or socialization issues.

This article was written by A. Elliott; a writer with an interest in autism awareness. She occasionally writes for Voyage Care, providers of autism care and supported living.

HeART of the Spectrum

HeART of the Spectrum Community Arts Center

I was recently introduced to an amazing organization called HeART of the Spectrum. It’s an inclusive art center in Seattle, WA founded by Michael Tolleson and Jack Anderson to encourage and support the artistic abilities of individuals with Autism and Asperger’s. A variety of classes as well as the HeART of the Spectrum Mentoring Art Program are offered at the center, geared toward individual interests and abilities.

In addition to the Mentoring Art Program, HeART of the Spectrum also has a unique gallery that features emerging artwork by individuals on the Autism Spectrum. Artists of all ages and styles have contributed their work, and over 50 pieces now hang in the ground floor storefront.

With so much focus on Autism as a disorder or disability, I think it’s extremely encouraging to see these two artists changing that by showing us the creative, focused and brilliant minds of those on the Spectrum. They are truly celebrating the gifts of Autism.

Because art can be the only form of expression for some of the artists who work at the gallery, Anderson and Tolleson say they strive to help them gain understanding through exposing their art to the greater community.

You can see video coverage by The Seattle Channel here:

For more information on HeART of the Spectrum, visit the gallery’s website or call 206-478-8342. I can’t wait to visit in person SOON!

A Valiant Effort + Failure = Great New Programs

So I passed the Firefighter written exam with flying colors – very exciting!  I come from a family of firefighters, paramedics, and police officers, and this opportunity made me light up with passion.  I helped start our county’s Citizen Volunteer programs with Fire Rescue four years ago and have been chomping at the bit ever since to get on board.

I then mentally and physically prepared for the Physical Ability Test (PAT). At 39 years young, 5’2″, and <110 lbs, I knew it was a stretch for me to pass this test but I was ready. I’ve been working out intensely six days a week for over three years. Oh, I knew it would be hard… but I honestly thought I had it in the bag.

I did not pass the PAT. You know what? I gave it my all. I didn’t walk away, didn’t give up, and ran the course until I had nothing left in me. I tried! I am so grateful for the chance to go for it.

Not to play the classic “Fox and the Grapes” theme, but here are some great reasons why I’m a bit relieved to have this behind me. These are not insurmountable challenges that I couldn’t have found solutions for with some crafty brainstorming, but nonetheless I am looking at realistic facts:

I am a single mom with a special needs child. 24-hour shifts would require very creative solutions! Childcare, school special events, and holidays all had potential to fall on my shifts. And they would! Also, who would the school call for a sick child? Could I leave the fireground to pick up a child having a sensory meltdown? I don’t think so!

Serving the Autism Community. The academy takes 100% of your time, energy, efforts, and dedication, as it should. Yet I recognize a great need in the Autism community for tools and support that simply aren’t available right now. I am committed to using my gifts in the highest way possible.

Children on the Spectrum Have Trouble Moving

  • There is a marked higher instance of gross motor deficits in children with Autism than their neurotypical peers
  • Gross motor deficits can include abnormal gait pattern, hip flexibility, spatial awareness, and trunk stability
  • These issues DO NOT SELF-CORRECT in time
  • Self-esteem suffers; they cannot perform many movements, cannot understand what’s expected of them, and in turn become even more socially awkward
  • Organized sports do not set the foundation for long-term skills and overcoming movement deficits
  • Many schools have cut or don’t regularly offer PE!
  • It’s been proven that children (and adults!) perform better on tests and cognitive functioning after they’ve moved around

The Fitness 4 Autism Program

  • I provide custom profile assessments to determine the quality of movement pattern and any deficits or exceptions that may be relevant
  • Pushing, pulling, squatting, and rotating movements done together will directly benefit physical, adaptive, and cognitive abilities
  • Working with your child and fitness boosts confidence, independence, and self-esteem and teaches goal setting
  • No expensive, large equipment needed! I come to you.
  • These movements taught also benefit not just sensory and gross motor skills, but fine motor skills as well
  • Speech targets, communication, and behavioral targets can also be incorporated into the program
  • Sharing this program with your child will also benefit the entire family – it sets everyone up for long-term health and fitness

Special Needs Training for Emergency Responders

With the staggering number of children being born on the Autism spectrum, one sector that absolutely needs to understand how these children process information and respond to situations is public safety. First and emergency responders are not trained to recognize and handle the unique physical and behavioral symptoms of Autistic patients or victims, which are likely to be exacerbated by a crisis or injury.

Do you think an Emergency Responder would know how to handle these behaviors?

  • Difficulty understanding language or gestures
  • Inability to follow multiple commands
  • Limited or no speech, or repetitive phrases only
  • Avoids eye contact
  • Spinning, rocking, flapping arms, hitting self, biting self
  • Inappropriate laughter or response
  • May not feel cold, heat, or pain in a typical manner
  • Hyper or hypo sensitivity to light, sound, smell, touch, or taste
  • Abnormal fears or lack of fear in a dangerous situation

I provide workshops and training classes for EMS, Fire Departments, Police Departments, Red Cross, and others where needed.

Overall, I am grateful to have a taste of following one of my dreams. I’m even more grateful to be able to continue volunteering for the county, helping to prepare families for disasters and hazards and being trained and able to respond to them when they arise.

Most of all, I am ecstatic that I can use my passions and dreams (and failures!) to refocus my energy and help children and families affected by Autism.

For more information on Fitness 4 Autism Program or Training for Emergency Responders, call 404.939.6211 or email

I Took the 7 Link Challenge!

I was perusing through my favorite feeds and came across a unique content idea from ProBlogger that I just HAD to use!

The article recommends publishing a list of 7 links to posts that I (and others) have written in response to 7 categories, complete with reasons why I chose each particular post.

Here are my 7 links – I hope you enjoy them!

Your first post

Top Five Reasons I Volunteer Before I began my Autism site, I helped DeKalb County start a citizen branch of support for Fire Rescue. Along with several extraordinary team members and an amazing Captain, we formed a vision for what was known at that time as the Citizen Reserve and watched it come into fruition. It was an incredible experience. Since moving out of state, I watched Citizen Reserve change organization, duties, protocols, and eventually redefine itself. It seems to have circled back around to its original vision, and I can’t wait to be involved again in any capacity!

A post you enjoyed writing the most

… and That’s What Little Boys Are Made Of Writing to share my experiences and help others ALWAYS helps me. I can talk about being patient, kind, and empathetic with ease, but I am also a single (human!) mom that balances a LOT on my daily plate. I make mistakes. I get caught in pity parties and frustration at times. I lose my patience. This post was very therapeutic for me, as it reminded me that I don’t always have to live in an the analytical and diagnostic world of Autism. Sometimes my son is just being a boy!

A post which had a great discussion

Why Does My Autistic Child Scream?! I am always honored when someone experiencing the things I write about first hand comments on my posts or tweets. As much research and energy as I put into understanding my son, I am still an outsider when it comes to Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder. I don’t feel what he feels, or see the world quite the way he does, though I always give it my all! I was thrilled to read Jason’s thorough remarks about this post, especially when it was only my second post on the blog!

A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written

Little Specks of Autism by stark. raving. mad. mommy. This post is just beautiful. I related to it so much! I especially think about all the quirky rituals I have in my daily life, from having a favorite plate that no one else can use, to my odd parking space logic, to accidentally bumping my elbow on the table and having to re-create the same volume of pain on the opposite elbow for it to feel “even”. Yep, we all have little specks of Autism alright!

Your most helpful post

Parents: Who Supports Us? This is dedicated to all of us that live with and fight for our special needs children. It’s not a job for weenies! It reminds us that our feelings are natural, however appropriate or inappropriate we are judging them to be at the time, and that support for US is vital to our children’s success.

A post with a title that you are proud of

“I’m funny how? Funny like I’m a clown, I amuse you?” This was a really fun bit to write explaining how children on the Spectrum typically do not understand sarcasm. Ironically the entire post was sprinkled with said sarcasm, as it runs rampant in my house and in my head.

Actually it’s a tie…

Are You Going to the Hardware Store for a Loaf of Bread? Another playful post that starts off with a famous scene from The Electric Company. Though quite humorous, the post really hones in on our expectations and how it’s not really fair to keep demanding things from people that they are not capable of giving.

A post that you wish more people had read

A Letter to my Son – Clearing the Past Read with tissues nearby. That is all.

Parents: Who Supports Us?

“Nobody told me there’d be days like these

Nobody told me there’d be days like these

Strange days indeed”

John Lennon

So you’re the parent of a child with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, or learning disability. When was the last time you gave yourself a break? Acknowledged your courage and persistence? Applauded your patience, kindness, and compassion? Admired your own strength?

If you’re anything like me, I can easily gravitate to the space in my head that flits between judgment and criticism for my parenting mistakes and frustration and exhaustion from all the energy and extra steps required to raise a child with special needs. Especially for a single parent with no family nearby! Oh, I also reside in gratitude and wonder with the gift I have been given; the charge of creating a supportive, loving environment that will allow my children to thrive.

It is good to be grateful and to focus on the positive. I do myself a great disservice, though,  if I don’t name and honor the spectrum of feelings surrounding my situation. (spectrum, did you catch that?) :)

To quote an eBook I recently devoured, The Happy Child Guide: “As parents, many of us are faced with conditions of exhaustion, loneliness and stress. We are
usually the first to be blamed for our child’s faults, and seldom acknowledged for the good.”

I replay the many times I’ve disciplined my son when he was only trying to ease sensory issues within his body and I cringe. I think about all the times I lost my patience with his failure to follow directions when he truly didn’t understand what was being asked of him. Or the times I (sometimes still) am simply exhausted from trying to do it all and I yell. I yell.

We are doing the best we can. Parents, it is OK. Don’t put those scenes on repeat playback. Don’t cringe. Forgive yourself and move forward.

What about the guilt? Do you ever grieve? Do you ever wish the road wasn’t this rocky? Do you ever look at children behaving in a restaurant and suddenly find yourself beating down that little green monster, thinking, “why can’t I have that?” What about vacations? Flying? Going to the movies? Festivals? Do you ever feel deprived or robbed of experiences that at the moment seem impossible for your family? How about the frustration of all the IEP meetings and discussions with the schools?

Honor and release ALL your emotions

It’s OK. It doesn’t mean you love your child any less. It doesn’t mean

you are not grateful. It doesn’t mean you are selfish. It doesn’t even mean you wish things were different. We’re human. If we don’t allow these emotions to come to the surface and honor them, we cannot release them. They will fester.

I spend a great deal of time researching and talking about the right kinds of support for our children. Tools, resources, therapies… and I am glad to be able to bring you these things. But I forget perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle. If our bank is empty we having nothing left to give to them. We need support, too.

I would love to hear some of the things you do to honor, celebrate, and support yourself as a parent. And I would personally like to applaud you in your journey. Congratulations. Thank you for being you.