Practical Gluten & Casein Free Substitutes

I perpetually have the best intentions in trying to eliminate gluten and casein from my child’s diet (to read about why you should consider a GFCF diet for your autistic child, see my previous post). However, I’m a single mom with a grocery budget, so going the extra mile for organic and special brands aren’t always practical! Add to the mix an older child that is one of the pickiest eaters in the universe and sodium and sugar restrictions on my own diet… it is not unusual for me to buy and prepare three separate menus in this house.

I thought I would put together a small list of some common items found at your local grocery store that are gluten and casein free. Some may not be the healthiest, but it is nice to know that there are options to sometimes buy these common brands, saving a trip to the ATM a health food store.





What are some of your experiences? Feel free to head over to the Spirit Of Autism Facebook Fan Page and post some of your successes, strategies, and struggles with the GFCF diet in your home! I’d love to hear from you.