
Tune In to My New Autism Web TV Series

AutismWithebiTaylorJuly9th1stEpisode2014Has it really been over TWO months since I’ve reached out to you? Wow. My sincerest apologies. Lots has been brewing in Spirit of Autism land! I’ve had the honor of providing in-service Autism training to the Stone Mountain Police Department as well as the District 8 Georgia Police Chiefs in Villa Rica, GA. All officers that attended received P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) credit for the course, so we are really making strides in the Emergency Responder training arena!

Coming up I will be doing a “Train the Trainer” Autism course for the Georgia Institute of EMS, in which they will also receive continuing education credit. We will soon be launching an online version of the training course with a test and certificate of completion available for Law Enforcement and EMS.

Now for the really fun announcement… I’ve got a new web TV series! I’ve joined forces with American Hearts Radio, a family-friendly company on a great mission, offering live worldwide radio broadcasts, live events and WEB TV productions to people with a real message to share.

My new 30-minute series will air on the second Wednesday of each month at 9:45 pm EST. Don’t worry if you can’t stay awake that late! As an Autism parent I know we need to grab sleep whenever we can get it ;) The show will be available to watch on the American Hearts Radio website, on YouTube and right here on my Blog.

Premiering July 9, the first show will focus on Autism and Summer Safety. I’ll have in the studio with me guest Austin Harris, my sidekick in the Fire Rescue Reserve and Emergency Responder training. We’ll be talking about Disaster Preparedness and how you need to be even MORE prepared when you have a child or family member with Autism. I’m also honored to be airing an interview with Erin Wilson from QR Code ID. We’ll be discussing all the great products they created for loved ones who wander. You won’t want to miss this! Summer can be a chaotic and harrowing time for Autism families… we’ll let you know how to make sure it’s a safe time!

Looking for Sponsors

American Hearts Radio produces commercials for your business that will be placed on live Radio show daily spins and re-runs, as well as a video version that will appear on all social networks, other shows and the AHR website.

As a local sponsor you will also be invited on local WEB TV Shows in Atlanta to promote your business.

If you’re looking for a way to drive potential buyers to your website American Hearts does exactly that. Contact me for more info if you’re interested… it’s extremely affordable!



Operation Get Autism Training – Calling All Volunteers

J-Bird2Happy New Year! I’ve got a special announcement for you – something I’ve been working on diligently over the last several weeks. It’s finally ready…

Operation Get Autism Training is here.

As you know, I’m the parent of a very special boy with Autism, and also an Emergency Responder. I have a unique perspective – I’ve relied on Emergency personnel in times where my son has wandered, received injuries, or caused a public disturbance. I’ve also responded to incidents involving these very same situations.

Without understanding what to look for, Emergency Responders may mistake your child’s behavior and symptoms for drug use, mental illness or non-compliance. What could happen? They may get injured, thrown in jail… or worse.

Over the past four years I have developed multiple customized training programs for Disaster Responders (CERT), Police Departments, Fire Departments, Campus/School Security, EMTs, and even department heads at large a tourist/event facility.

I have had the privilege of training these willing and enthusiastic groups myself and I’ve loved every minute of it. I know I am making a difference in people’s lives every time I teach this program.

But it’s no longer enough. I’m getting tired of the senseless shootingsmissing children reports and Amber alerts, and severely escalated incidents involving Autistic children that are part of today’s frightening reality and now I need your help.

I’ve put together a call for volunteers – Autism Warrior Moms and Dads like me – to come together and make a global difference.

Operation Get Autism Training Goals for 2014:

  • Build a Fierce, Dedicated Team of Volunteers
  • Obtain Accreditation for EMS Continuing Education
  • Obtain P.O.S.T. Certification for Law Enforcement Continuing Education
  • Seek Out and Obtain Corporate Sponsorships
  • Press Releases and National Media Reach
  • Research and Apply for Grants and Funding for Training Materials
  • Create a Video Training Series
  • Get as Many Agencies and Responders Trained as Possible

It’s time to reach beyond our home towns. I can’t do this alone. I need a team behind me with me that’s ready to make a difference. Together we can make this happen.  So if you’re passionate about not only helping your own child but the thousands of children that don’t have a voice – join me. Volunteer with Operation Get Autism Training today and let’s get our Emergency Responders trained!

Click through to this page to sign upWe will have regular conference calls, a private Facebook group to collaborate, share and inspire, and I know we can bring our individual strengths to the table to create a movement together!

Spirit of Autism Halloween Safety

Halloween Safety Tips for Your Child with Autism

Halloween can be a pretty overwhelming for a child with autism. Heck, it’s overwhelming for ME – add to the mix sensory-aggravating costumes, spooky lights and decorations, crowds of loud children on the streets, and possible sugar and chemical dye sensitivities from loads of candy… and you may have created the perfect recipe of a meltdown.

Here are some tips for a safe and enjoyable Halloween for your child with autism:



Let your child practice wearing their costume at home for at least a week in advance. This gives you time to make any last minute modifications and time for your child to get used to it. I wish I had a nickel for all the times it took me to learn this one.


Avoid costumes with masks or hats that restrict sight or movement. It may be worth it to start with an item of your child’s own clothing or a Halloween t-shirt. Also avoid costumes that require extra accessories – your child will not want to carry them for long and they also may contribute to tripping or other safety hazards. Trust me on this one.


Last year we did a simple pair of baggy overalls and my son’s red shirt with a pre-bought Mario hat and white gloves. Easy, comfortable and everyone recognized his character!


This year my son is (possibly) bold enough to try a box on his head to be a character from Minecraft. With large eyeholes, this is mom-approved, as we can easily fill in the rest of the costume with a solid colored sweatshirt and matching sweatpants.



Be aware of which homes in your neighborhood have displays with lots of gore and special effects (our house… oops!) so you can avoid them.


Use repeated social stories for safety tips about crossing the street. In addition, carry glow sticks and a flashlight if you are going out in the dark.


If your child is nonverbal, make sure he or she wears some type of obvious identification. We love QR Code ID – which is printed right on the child’s clothing! My son will not keep a bracelet, ID tag, or watch on long enough for it to do its job.

Also, I have been seeing this wonderful picture circulating around my social media networks – what a great idea:

Create a visual schedule that includes a map of where you will go. It’s also a great idea to practice trick-or-treating at home the week before Halloween: take turns answering the door to give out the candy and being the trick-or-treater.


Don’t try to hit every single house in your neighborhood. Keep trick or treating short and comfortable for your child. Consider letting siblings that might want to go longer go trick-or-treating with a friend.


The Swag

Make a plan for how you will handle candy consumption. A gluten or dairy intolerance may be an issue with Halloween treats, as are food dyes and extra sugar. Decide the candy-eating rules in advance and write them down.


For those that avoid animal products in general, here is the The 2013 VegNews Guide to Vegan Candy (hot off the press!).


After Halloween, don’t relax your safety routines! Watch the doors and windows extra closely. I’ve heard from other parents that their child continued to trick-or-treat on their own the next day or following week.


I hope these tips help you have a safe and fun Halloween! What tips and routines do you use in your house for trick-or-treating? Share by commenting below!

autism bullying

How Safe Is Your Autistic Child from Being Bullied?

Going through the school system today is harder than ever for our children, especially with the increased pressures of test scores, the lack of recess or gym in many schools, and the barrage of ridiculous standards that seem to be set by social media.

As parent of a child on the Autism Spectrum, I want my son to have the best possible experiences – academically, developmentally, and socially.  But when it comes to making friends and fitting in, bullying can be a real threat for him. Especially since he is so sweet and kind by nature and is quick to believe everything at face value.

SIDE NOTE: It is this innocence that also makes your child with Autism a vulnerable target for online predators! Read about our experience with an internet hacker here.

Bullying doesn’t always mean getting beat up for  lunch money. It could show up in the form of manipulating my son to perform an action or say something that will get them in trouble in class. It could look like another child coercing him to hand over his dessert every day in exchange for letting him sit next to him. And it most certainly can rear its ugly head with any words that make my child feel like he is somehow less than the other kids around him.

In the first few grades of elementary school, it was easy to explain my son’s differences to his peers. When he covered his ears to block out the painful school bell sound I simply told his classmates that he had super-sonic hearing! When he jumped up and down and couldn’t sit still in circle time I exclaimed that he was exercising his special springy legs for some Mario power jumps later on. Little tricks like that were accepted.

Now my child is 11, wears men’s medium clothes and sports a mustache.  It’s not as easy to step in and offer plausible explanations for some of his quirks. He needs real tools and strategies that can help, not a helicopter mom following him around :)

What does work?

In Growing Up on the Spectrum: A Guide to Life, Love, and Learning for Teens and Young Adults with Autism and Asperger’s, Dr. Lynn Kern Koegel and Claire LaZebnik offer some practical suggestions for helping your child on the spectrum feel safe in every environment. Here are a few of our favorites:

Checking in. If your child is at the age when he doesn’t want a parent around at school, making a point of dropping off that missed homework or forgotten lunch at a social time of day (such as lunch) will help you understand how your child is faring in his social interactions and may give you some hints about what social skills you need to work on at home.

After school clubbing. Help your child get involved in a club, even if you have to start it yourself. It will give your child the opportunity to interact with peers who have similar interests. What is your child really good at? Can he teach or demonstrate those gifts to his peers? Make it happen!

Party time. Have short get-togethers or parties that are structured around an activity. We have had tons of fun with a short “Make Your Own Pizza Bagel” party (I cut out sliced cheeses in the shape of Super Mario characters to go on top of the mozzarella) or “Design Your Own Pokemon” party with simple index cards and markers. Now that he is older we have Minecraft and Wii-U gatherings.

Buddy system. Find a peer buddy who will help your child safely get to classes. Recruit some kind-hearted kids to be a buddy to your child and accompany him through the hallways.

Educate them. Teach the students at your child’s school about disabilities. Even with a special needs department and inclusion programs in many schools, there is still a staggering lack of training and understanding. It shouldn’t stop with the teachers and staff. If peers are made aware of your child’s challenges and how he’s struggling to overcome them, they’ll be far more likely to lend him a hand.

Lessons about how to be a friend. There are a lot of ways that you can teach your child to make and maintain friendships. Sharing is one. Asking questions is another. Good phone and electronic etiquette are essential. If your child is on the spectrum, she may need help with these areas. I know mine does!

Multiple choice responses. There are times when the best response to a bully is ignoring them and there are other times when standing up to a bully may be the only option. Many schools have mediators who can tackle the situation from both sides. Use social stories to teach your child how to differentiate appropriate responses based on the situation at hand. My son responds to code systems when it comes to choosing appropriate responses. We have code words and numbers for almost every emotion and typical responses to certain situations.

How about you? What strategies do you use to avoid or address bullying with your child?

Share by commenting below or posting your thoughts on our Facebook page!

autism summer safety tips

Summer Safety Tips for Parents of Children with Autism


And the livin’ is easy…

Well, that doesn’t always ring true for parents of Autistic children! Safety concerns become heightened when the weather turns nice and schedules are more lax.

Having an Autistic son has brought things I’d never before imagined having to be prepared for into my experience. Here are some safety tips I’ve pulled from my own experiences and some great ideas from May Institute that can help you be prepared so you can relax and enjoy the summer with your child.

Water safety

Drowning is the number one cause of death in autistic children. Many children with Autism are powerfully drawn to the water but do not understand the dangers.

Always be within arm’s reach of the child when he or she is in or around any open water. Be sure to drain bathtubs and other small containers of water when you are finished using them – a child can drown in an inch of water. Put safety locks on toilet seats and hot tubs and monitor or cover landscape ponds if you can.

Teach your child to swim as early as possible. If they struggle with traditional swimming strokes, they can learn a water survival technique called drownproofing, which will help them stay afloat until help arrives.

Wandering prevention

Children with ASD are likely to act impulsively, including running away or wandering.

Use deadbolt locks, keep doors and windows locked and install an alarm on doors. Motion detectors and window bars may also be appropriate.

For children who respond well to visual cues, consider placing STOP or DO NOT ENTER signs on all doors that open to the outside. These can be powerful reminders.

You can find seven more vital tips for wandering prevention, including the use of QR Code apparel in this article.

Getting your information to emergency responders

If it is available in your area, register your family on Smart911. Whether an Autistic child has wandered, is having a medical emergency, or a behavioral emergency, it is vital to communicate that they have Autism and understand the response may require very specific actions.

Participate in local community safety fairs where there are opportunities to meet actual police, firefighters, and emergency response professionals that work in your community in an environment that is friendly and fun. This may increase the chances that your child will respond positively to first responders in the future.

If available, submit a disability indicator form to your local law enforcement agency to help alert law enforcement that a person residing at that address may require special assistance during an emergency. You can also create a more detailed handout with information about your child and have printed and electronic formats available so you can readily provide it to search and rescue personnel in the event of an incident.

It’s also a good idea to give your neighbors a handout with a picture of your child and emergency contact information. It should describe effective ways to approach, communicate with, and calm your child. Ask them to contact you immediately if they see your child outside your home or property.

How about you? What summer safety tips work in your home? Share by commenting below or posting to the SOA Facebook page!

autism wandering child

7 Vital Tips for Autism Wandering Prevention

My son was 18 months old. He was standing next to my bed, humming, as I was folding laundry and separating the piles. Then he walked out. In the time it took me to fold a pair of jeans, the child had walked to the other end of the house, found my keys, figured out which one was the car key (!), went outside, opened the trunk, and climbed in.

When he was in First Grade, I dropped him off at school, walked halfway to his class with him, then went on my merry way after kisses and high fives like usual. It just so happened that I forgot something from the house that day. Coincidentally, I also needed gas and went left instead of right, passing the school once again. About four blocks from the school, in a direction I normally never would have traveled, was my son, walking with his backpack and singing, without a care in the world. He apparently walked right out of the building after we parted in the hallway, and the teacher assumed he was absent that day. No one knew! Imagine what could have happened if I had turned right like I always did!

Here are 7 tips if your child is prone to wandering

  1. Safety-proof your home. Home should be a safe haven. In addition to traditional childproofing for small children, you will have to take some extra measures for your child with Autism.
  2. Install door alarms. Many children with Autism are prone to wandering. Alarms offer great back up protection.
  3. Arm your child with a form of communication. Whether your child is verbal or non-verbal, communication is a challenge. Create a visual safety book for your child with key questions and answers he or she may be asked in an emergency situation. Practice, practice, practice!
  4. Get to know your neighbors. It’s a good idea to introduce yourself and your child to your neighbors. You can explain what Autism is, along with some of your child’s behaviors that would strike other people as odd. This way they will call you instead of the police, or help direct your child home if found wandering.
  5. Register your child with public safety. Contact your local police precinct, fire department, and hospital and register your child with their database of special needs families.
  6. Use social stories. Teach your child how to handle emergency situations like fire, burglary, strangers at the door, when someone is hurt, and calling 911.
  7. Get QR Code iD apparel for your child and subscribe to their website.

What is QR Code iD?

People who have Autism, cognitive disabilities or other special needs or health issues may be unable to state personal information such as name, phone number, address, medications taken, where Mom and Dad work, issues peculiar to that day, the hotel where the family is staying on vacation, etc.

If your child is lost or wanders, rescuers need to know who to call, and how to help.

QR Code iD creates a way to put this information in one place. This information is accessed from any computer browser, either by entering the URL manually with the computer keyboard, or by scanning a QR code printed directly on the child’s clothing, both of which will take you to the client’s non-secure homepage. This page displays all the information that a loved one wants someone to know when finding the child. This information can be updated REAL TIME!

QR Code iD commissioned Special Needs Artists to create beautiful artwork to put on shirts, buttons, key chains and other products that have QR codes on them. These talented Special Needs Artists will be discovered and contracted to contribute original artwork for our products.

Membership is only $29.00 a year for this invaluable service. I highly recommend it!

Use “spirit 15″ when you check out for 15% discount through July 4!

Do you have any stories of your child wandering that really frightened you? What did you do? Share your comments below or post them to the SOA Facebook page!


Atlanta Makes Top 10 Tornado City List – Are You Prepared?

11 Alive recently reported that Atlanta is among the top ten cities across the nation where homes are most likely to be hit by a tornado, according to a new list from The Weather Channel.

Instead of just counting numbers of tornadoes as they did in preparation of releasing previous lists, this year The Weather Channel’s severe weather expert gathered data from the National Weather Service from between 1962 and 2011, and noted the areas within 75 miles of the highlighted cities, and included data on length and width of the storms’ damage paths.

Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Georgia are noted to have been hit more often than areas that one would consider traditional tornado areas.

In recent years, Atlanta and Nashville both have had tornadoes hit their downtown areas, which flies in the face of the common thought that tornadoes tend to avoid urban areas.

The top 10 cities for tornadoes include:

10 – Nashville
9 – Wichita
8 – Atlanta
7 – Oklahoma City
6 – Tulsa
5 – Little Rock
4 – Tuscaloosa
3 – Birmingham
2 – Jackson
1 – Huntsville

Are You Prepared?

Get Notified. If you have a weather radio, that’s great! But here is a great service available to everyone that allows you to be notified by your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. Examples include: evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports.

Sign up for Code Red now – it’s FREE!

Make Your 72-Hour Kit. Make sure you have a 72-hour kit assembled for each family member ready to go. It could be the difference between life and death. Remember that it could take emergency personnel at least three days to reach you in the event of a disaster.

What do you put in your kit? Here is a great comprehensive list of what should go in each family member’s kit so you can survive up to three days. This page includes a link to a printable checklist which is extremely helpful.

If you have a child or family member with Autism you will need to be even more resourceful to maintain order in a time of great chaos. Here is a list of what to include in your Autistic child’s 72-hour kit.

Have a safety plan. After you create a safety plan, hold a family meeting to go over the plan with all members of the family. This will help your children get familiar with the plan in case of emergency. It is a great idea to go over the plan at least twice a year (once at the start of each “tornado season” in your area).

My children get very disgruntled with me when I use the fog machine to set off the smoke alarms at 3 am… but they know what to do now in the case of a fire!

Decide where your family should go in the event of a tornado. If your family has a basement or a partial basement that is underground, you should certainly go there. Pick a place that is away from windows and doors. When a tornado hits close to your home, one of the first things that may happen is that your windows will blow out. You don’t want to be near them when this happens, or the glass may cut you.

If you don’t have a basement (like us!) you can find other places that are safe to be in your home during inclement weather. Choose to get in a closet, under a stairwell, or in a central room. Bathrooms without windows are also great places, as the piping in the walls can act as a barrier between you and the weather outside.

You may want to plan an emergency word that should only be used in case of emergency. Make sure everyone in your family knows the word and what to do when it is spoken.

Practice, practice, practice! Emergency officials train constantly in order to be effective on their job; if you want an effective emergency plan, you and your family should practice what to do.

How about you? Tell me about your family’s safety plan by commenting below or posting it on the SOA Facebook page!

autism monkey joes

Autism Resource Fair and Monkey Joe’s Gives Back!

I’ve got two fantastic announcements for my fellow Atlantans!

This Saturday, join One DeKalb and Center for Leadership in Disability at the DeKalb County Resource Fair. It’s an opportunity for families of children and adults diagnosed with Autism to learn about and connect with agencies and organizations that provide Autism services and supports for DeKalb County residents.

You can come visit me at my booth – I’ll be talking about Autism Disaster Preparedness and Autism Safety at home. I’ll have an example of a 72-hour Disaster Kit and will be raffling off a special gift!

Remember, this Saturday, April 27

10:30 am – 1:30 pm at the Manual Maloof Administration Building  in Downtown Decatur

1300 Commerce Drive | Decatur, GA 30030

To register click here or contact Donna Johnson at 404-413-1427

I hope to see you there!


Monkey Joe’s Lawrenceville gives back to the community with Special Needs Night!

Every third Thursday of the month from 6 – 7:30 pm Monkey Joe’s closes its doors to the general public and welcomes special needs kids aged 12 and under and their siblings. Admission is FREE!

As you can see here, Justin had a blast!

As a parent of a (loud) child with Autism, I took great comfort in knowing that my son and I were not going to be kicked out of a public place because he was screaming, running around incessantly, or needed a sensory break. We were greeted with a warm welcome and checked in with frequently during our visit.

I love what Monkey Joe’s is doing for the special needs community – I certainly hope more businesses are inspired by their Special Needs night.

We hope to see you there for their next Special Needs night on May 16 at Monkey Joe’s Lawrenceville | 665 Duluth Highway | Lawrenceville

Call 770-338-7529 for more information!


autism oz

Finally! An Autism Magazine FOR Parents BY Parents – autism Oz

I’m so proud to be a part of this fantastic new resource, a monthly digital autism support magazine known as autism Oz.

It was given the name because the magazine is produced in Australia (Oz) but aimed at the global autism community.

They have a fantastic team of contributors (including me *wink*) who are highly respected scientists, therapists, nutritionists and parents living autism’s day-to-day experiences. These contributors bring the latest and most innovative news, views and tried and tested advice from across the autism spectrum.

autism Oz uses the Internet’s interactive ability to create magazines that come alive and serve the community. In addition to written content, videos can be played straight from the pages of the publication.

What drew me to this project was that families are be able to connect from all over the world and share their own stories and video of struggle and success. Much like Spirit of Autism, the messages are REAL, uplifting and authentic.

I was introduced to the Editor, Iain Croft through LinkedIn. He’s a former journalist with the BBC in London, where he worked for 23 years. He was Assistant Editor at Hardtalk on World TV, Planning Editor at World Service Radio News Programmes, and Assistant Editor at the BBC’s most influential news and current affairs program called “The Today Programme”.

Now living in Perth Australia, Iain is a parent of three wonderful children Riley (sadly deceased), Isabella who is six and Rafael, five.

It is because of what happened to his son that he has now put his energy into child welfare and helping parents assist children reach their full potential. This was his inspiration for birthing this major project aimed at people with autism and their carers.

I’m honored to be a contributor to autism Oz iMagazine. You can find my article on why I train Emergency Responders and Autism Safety at home in the April issue. Once I got to know Iain and his driving force to help the community, I immediately volunteered to create and manage the magazine’s website.

autism Oz is more than a project, it is a global movement. It goes beyond autism awareness; it is autism in action. Whether you are just starting out on your autism journey or if you are a seasoned professional, autism Oz is with you every step of the way.

autism disaster kit

What to Put in Your Autistic Child’s 72-Hour Disaster Preparedness Kit

As a native New Yorker, I would like to extend my sincerest thoughts and prayers to all the families affected by Sandy.

With the weather becoming seemingly more erratic these days, it’s more important than ever to make sure you have a 72-hour kit assembled for each family member ready to go. It could be the difference between life and death. Remember that it could take emergency personnel at least three days to reach you in the event of a disaster.

Being very involved in CERT, I gratefully learned what should be in every Disaster Preparedness Kit. For a great list of these basic items, visit the City of North Richland Hills website here.

However, as parents of children with Autism, we have the added pressure of helping them feel safe and maintain as much routine and order as possible during a time of great chaos. In addition to your general 72-hour kit, consider having these items on hand in a special grab-n-go bag for your children.

Find a bag that can be worn as a backpack or rolled behind you so you are prepared for any situation. You should try to pack a combination of your child’s favorite items and new things they’ve never seen – such as items from the Dollar Store. My children love opening new things, even the tiniest trinket or gadget. New keeps them busy, and busy = calm!

Here are supplemental items found in my son’s 72-hour kit:

Flushable wipes – he has serious “potty” issues, we cannot yet use standard toilet paper for bathroom functions. We would be in big trouble without these.

Special foods/snacks – if your child is on a special diet or has food sensitivities, consider packing natural, dye-free, gluten free snacks and foods. I know it’s hard to stay natural when you’re packing processed foods that need to keep for six months at a time, but there are definitely ways to choose “the lesser evil”.

Medications or supplements – we have an extra bottle packed of Juice Plus+, digestive enzymes, and probiotics that don’t need refrigeration.

Headphones/ear plugs – everyday noises are still too much for son; imagine the chaos of sirens, emergency personnel, or crowds of people milling about or frantically trying to reach safety. Noise-blocking headphones are a lifesaver for us.

Classical or favorite music – if your child enjoys music, an iPod or discman with classical music or your child’s favorite songs can have a tremendous calming effect. We have a copy of Wow Wow Wubbzy in addition to Tchaikovsky.

Duplicate of their attachment item if possible – I always keep items from Super Mario Brothers (I remember when it was Thomas!) in his bag for comfort. Believe me, we already had two of many of his favorite Mario items!

Fidgets/chewy tubes – keeping his hands and mouth busy is another key to feeling safe and calm. I love those squishy stress balls from the Dollar Store, especially the ones that light up! Chewy tubes or Chewelry keep him chewing, not blurting out verbal stims, which might send the wrong message to emergency workers (his screams are really loud and sound like someone is getting brutally injured).

Cards/puzzles/books – kick it old school and think of items that kept you busy growing up! You know, before there were DSi XLs, iPhones, apps, tablets… J

Handheld battery operated electronics – if electronics are a must (the kind that don’t require a charger) the drug store often will sell little handheld games like Tetris, Poker, or Soccer. Sure, the graphics are pretty bad compared to today’s amazing technology, but in this situation your kids will gratefully take ‘em!

Hooded shirt or sweatshirt – for my son, he sometimes needs to block the world out in order to self-calm. If you don’t have access to a sensory tent (wouldn’t that be nice in a disaster!) then the next best thing is pulling a hood over your face and blocking out the world for a bit.

Items to stack/count/organize – this has always saved our bacon when I used to venture out to public places like restaurants. Stacking the jellies or counting the sugar packets would buy me at least 10 minutes of me not having to chase him around!

Photos of family members – in case there is any chance you are separated from your child, each family member having family photos may be the quickest way to reunite.

Autism safety card – it is ideal to let emergency responders know as much about your child as possible – especially when it comes to Autism. Is your child verbal? How do they best communicate? Are there any other medical issues? What medications/supplements are they on? Allergies? Typical behaviors? Fears? Below is an example of one I made for my son when we first moved back to Atlanta and didn’t know anyone in our new neighborhood.

I hope you found this list helpful, and that you NEVER HAVE TO USE IT! Remember to change out the perishable items every six months, and have an emergency plan that you all practice together.

What about you? What’s in your Disaster Kit? Share by commenting below or posting on the SOA Facebook page.