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Weekly Autism Tips for Emergency Responders: Excited Delirium or Sensory Meltdown?

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During my last Autism training class for law enforcement, someone brought up an excellent question immediately following the Sensory Meltdown section of my program. They commented that many of the signs and behaviors of sensory overwhelm that lead to a meltdown sound exactly like those of Excited Delirium (ExDS) and wanted to know how to tell the difference.

I absolutely LOVE getting tough questions during my training programs! It’s because of everyone’s valuable input that this training remains fluid and continually improves after each experience.

I have been researching ExDS extensively and, while sharing some signs of sensory processing issues, the outcome is very different. Michael Curtis, MD, who created a field guide to help EMS and Law Enforcement recognize ExDS, refers to the condition as a “freight train to death.”

Excited Delirium typically accompanies the use of stimulants, most commonly but not limited to cocaine and methamphetamines, as these drugs block the re-uptake of dopamine, resulting in elevation of dopamine levels in the brain. This is amplified if the person already has a pre-existing psychiatric condition that is treated with dopamine re-uptake inhibitors.

According to the JEMS website, elevated levels of dopamine cause agitation, paranoia and violent behavior. Heart rate, respiration and temperature control are also affected by dopamine levels, with elevation resulting in tachycardia, tachypnea and hyperthermia. For this reason, hyperthermia is a hallmark of excited delirium.

Look for persons partially clothed or naked, exhibiting violent, almost primal behaviors. They may appear to have “super human” strength, but in actuality merely it’s the loss of pain receptors that creates the illusion.

Excited Delirium is a MEDICAL condition, with a grim outcome once a person enters arrest. The best way to manage it is to prevent cardiac arrest. Prehospital therapy should focus on treating the increased metabolic activity and hyperthermia first.

The mnemonic “NOT A CRIME,” developed by Michael Curtis, MD, clearly sets out the signs and symptoms of ExDS:

  • N – Patient is naked and sweating from hyperthermia
  • O – Patient exhibits violence against objects, especially glass
  • T – Patient is tough and unstoppable, with superhuman strength and insensitivity to pain
  • A – Onset is acute
  • C – Patient is confused regarding time, place, purpose and perception
  • R – Patient is resistant and won’t follow commands to desist
  • I – Patient’s speech is incoherent, often with loud shouting and bizarre content
  • M – Patient exhibits mental health conditions or makes you feel uncomfortable
  • E – EMS should request early backup and rapid transport to the ED

Sensory Processing Meltdown

A sensory meltdown is when a person’s nervous system has been so bombarded by sensory input that it enters survival mode, perceiving that it is under attack. These may occur in autistic adults just as much as children.

An adult experiencing a meltdown describes the experience on

“All sensory systems start firing! Everything pierces you like a knife! Every sound, every speck of light, every texture against your skin, and everything you can smell. It surrounds you and cuts right into you. Trapped within your skin, like a caged animal under attack, you are basically helpless. You thrash, you heave, you scream, you do whatever you can, because you are perceiving something killing you. You need to escape! Everything is hurting you, things that no one else can even believe would be affecting you. The smallest noise makes you want to claw your ears off, the slightest movement of you head might make you sick, and even the dimmest lights in the room make your eyes feel like they are bleeding.

Nothing matters anymore. You only have a few options: fight, flight, or freeze.”

Not unlike ExDS, some of these signs may present as agitation, violent behavior, resisting, tachycardia and tachypnea. If your nervous system believes you are in imminent danger, it will employ survival techniques.

There is typically no hyperthermia involved with a sensory meltdown. Additionally, once you reduce sensory triggers or remove a person from the environment, the meltdown begins to lessen. The person may begin to self-calm and use relaxation techniques in order to return to their baseline behavior.

It is always best to try and prevent meltdowns by learning to recognize the signs and behaviors leading up to them. If that cannot be achieved you want to immediately remove harmful stimuli and reduce sensory triggers. Once their nervous system begins to stabilize, you can then add positive stimuli. Tools such as deep breathing, gum chewing, handling a fidget item, redirection and distraction can all help the nervous system relax and block the stressors. It is only then that you can gain compliance or begin communicating.

SPD meltdowns are incredibly intense and often traumatic for the individual experiencing them. However, unlike ExDS, the person is aware of the way they acted during, even though they were not in control of their behaviors. There is no blackout or acute altered mental status. It is essentially a response to a nervous system overwhelm and will eventually subside. The goal is to keep the person safe and do whatever you can to reduce sensory triggers.

Recognizing a sensory meltdown is extremely helpful, but as always, DO NOT IGNORE LIFE-THREATS such as stroke, brain injury, seizures or hypoglycemia just because your patient has autism or you suspect they do.

Have you responded to a call involving excited delirium or a sensory meltdown? What were your indicators? How was it handled? Share your thoughts below or send me a confidential email with your comments! Input from the field is ALWAYS valued.

Patient Assessment Autism

Weekly Autism Tips for Emergency Responders – Patient Assessment

Patient Assessment AutismDuring a standard assessment in a conscious patient, we rely heavily on the patient’s communication – why EMS was called, what hurts, what happened, etc. This can become complicated when assessing a patient with Autism. Even a high-functioning, verbal Autistic patient may or may not physically feel pain. Sensory processing issues often include difficulty interpreting temperature and pain, and it’s hard to assess someone who can’t tell you what hurts!

Abnormal pain interpretation can sometimes mean a minor scrape or ache is perceived as a trauma or a major injury completely ignored. Traditional OPQRST surveys are not particularly reliable when someone has little sense of where their body ends and space begins and, most likely, what they ARE experiencing is not consistent with what you are observing on scene. Throw in communication deficits and sensory overwhelm of lights and sirens and being surrounded by strangers… patient assessment can be a sticky-wicket indeed.

The first thing you can do is try to remove sensory triggers if possible – remember that an ambulance setting can be extremely overwhelming for someone with Autism but so can the scene itself. Keep the scene as quiet and calm as you can.

Use the parent or caregiver and all the information they have to offer. Believe me when I tell you that most Autism parents have done their homework and know a great deal about their child’s challenges and medical issues. Establish a baseline behavior status to help in your assessment. I purposely did not say “baseline mental status” here because Autism is NOT a mental illness. While it is also not a behavioral issue, unfortunately we must rely on behaviors to help us identify Autism on a scene.

Remember that being touched may be perceived as pain, so do your best to engage the patient while triaging from distal to proximal. A Dollar Store slinky has done wonders for me – it distracts my patient while I get 85-90% of my assessment done before they realize what’s happening. (Don’t ever give a patient your cell phone or keys for this purpose, FYI!) Communicate what you are doing, whether they are verbal or not. A nonverbal patient can still hear and understand you. Bandages and adhesives may cause aggression due to sensory processing issues.

Assess thoroughly – look for less obvious injuries and DO expect the unexpected. Not long after I finished my first responder training, my son came running out of his room one evening screaming and raking his tongue. I quickly tried to figure out what was happening – did he bite it? Get stung or bitten by a bug he ate? Was there a toy in his mouth? In his other hand, I saw the glow-in-the-dark necklace from our earlier outing at Stone Mountain… bitten in half. The glowing liquid was all over his tongue and it was burning him. There was nothing about that in my first aid and responder manuals :) It was fine, by the way, Poison Control cleared him, but I never would have imagined looking for that kind of injury. Or the backward tumble out of the shopping cart at the grocery store, or the many times he’s wandered from school settings… but I digress.

Finally, during your assessment be aware of severe food and drug allergies as well as Pica Syndrome. Parents and caregivers are the best fountain of information, but in absence of that resource, there may be alternative IDs or apps that can provide you this valuable information in a snap.

Share your assessment tips and experiences – parents or responders – below. I love hearing from you!

Tantrum vs meltdown

Weekly Autism Tips for Emergency Responders – Sensory Meltdown Vs. Tantrum

Tantrum vs meltdownHey, Spirit of Autism family! I appreciate your patience regarding the fact that I’ve not been able to keep the Blog up to date while finishing Advanced EMT school. It’s been quite a ride but I’m nearly there! I can see a light (or is it flashing lights?) at the end of the tunnel…

I’m going to be transitioning the Blog to focus more on Autism Training Tips for Emergency Responders, Autism Safety Tips (for families and responders alike) and Emergency Preparedness for Autism Households. Previously the focus was on parents and caregivers only, which made it very confusing for those landing on my website, seeing that I do training for emergency responders, but solely reading about my journey as a parent. I will still be sharing lots of stories and personal experiences and of course adding my experiences and perspective as a parent – how could I not? My main focus, however, is to get critical information into the hands of emergency responders that have not yet taken my training course. To do this, I need to start offering it here.

If you have friends and family members in public safety, healthcare security, disaster response, or similar fields, please point them to the website! I want to go beyond local training efforts and start making a global difference.

So, the first in the Weekly Autism Tips for Emergency Responders [W.A.T.E.R.] series is… (sound the horns)…

Sensory Meltdown Vs. Tantrum

When I introduce my course objectives to class recipients, I talk about the definition of Autism, starting with what Autism is NOT. It is not a mental illness and it is not a behavior issue. At this point, students typically turn their heads and look at each other questioningly, as if I’m speaking Swahili. If I had a nickel for every time my son’s inability to cope with an overwhelming sensory environment was labeled a temper tantrum or behavior disorder. And I’m not just talking bystanders, this has happened with Special Ed teachers and pediatric neurologists.

I am a single mom. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that my child has never had a tantrum or behavioral outburst. He’s a BOY. With lots of ENERGY. Going through PUBERTY. Of course there have been times he’s tested those in authority. That’s what teenagers do.

Even knowing all I do about Sensory Processing issues, it is still a fine line to walk when discerning a sensory meltdown and an actual tantrum. I want to help arm you with some real, tangible signs and symptoms to help you tell the difference. Recognizing the physiological differences may change your response and radically alter the outcome of a situation. I’m not ever going to tell you to go against your local protocol or training and put yourself in danger. I’m talking about some really good scene size-up tools to help you respond in the safest way possible for all parties.

Signs and Symptoms of both a Tantrum and Meltdown

If you are just looking at the surface, it is challenging to tell what’s going on – the signs of both tantrums and meltdowns may present as screaming, kicking, shouting, stomping, swearing, biting, throwing, or hitting (either others or self-injurious behavior). Let’s go a little deeper:

A Tantrum typically occurs when a person wants something

A Meltdown is a response to environmental sensory overload or feeling extremely overwhelmed

During a Tantrum the person frequently checks to make sure you are paying attention to their behavior

During a Meltdown the person does not care if anyone is paying attention, they cannot stop themselves

A person acts this way in front of an audience during a Tantrum (behavior will cease when no one is looking)

During a Meltdown the behavior will continue with or without an audience

A Tantrum will cease abruptly once the person gets what they want

In a Meltdown situation, there is no goal – the behavior will cease only when the person can self-calm or when someone helps them regain control

In a Tantrum, there are no residual autonomic nervous system signs following the behavior; the person returns to normal activity within 5 minutes

A Meltdown will yield residual symptoms such as red ears, sweating, and dialated pupils; it takes 45-60 minutes for a person to return to normal following a sensory meltdown

Remember that someone experiencing a sensory meltdown is in survival mode – they are battling their environment and it is pure physical and psychological torture. Their senses are on fire and they have little control over themselves. No one chooses to be in a meltdown, and when you understand what’s happening to the nervous system and help someone through it your are not “giving in to” or “reinforcing” negative behavior. You are throwing someone a LIFELINE.

Stay tuned for future tips to learn more about Sensory Meltdowns and how you can most safely intervene.


Spirit of Autism Web TV Episode 3 – Sensory Processing Issues

On the last episode of Spirit of Autism TV, I had planned on presenting a fantastic interview with Elisa from Adventure to Fitness, but the technology gods were not shining down upon me favorably that week :) Look for that coming in October – you’re going to love it!

My good friend and teaching partner Austin agreed to come in and save my bacon at the last minute and we talked about just how much sensory processing issues affect people with Autism in their day to day lives, and provided some great tips for coping! Tune in to the replay below:

What are some of your favorite ways to help your child deal with sensory overwhelm? Share by commenting below!

Mario Emotional Stage Index Cards

Using Emotional Stage Index Cards for Sensory Processing Issues

Mario Emotional Stage Index CardsWhen speaking about Emotion Cards, there are two different types of uses and benefits: helping the child identify others’ unspoken emotional cues and helping identify the child’s own stages before a potential meltdown.

Both are extremely helpful in introducing emotional identification, understanding, and regulation. During tonight’s Web TV show, Austin and I talked about  Emotional Stages index cards that my son and I created. During his first grade year I believe they were responsible for a real quantum shift toward our goal of helping him identify and self-correct some of his pre-meltdown behaviors.

The challenge

What we were finding in school was that during certain transitions throughout the day he would start exhibiting behaviors that indicated his difficulty adjusting in some capacity. Handled incorrectly or ignored, these behaviors would quickly spiral toward loss of control.

My idea was that I wanted him to start to recognize when his body or senses started feeling a little squirrelly so that he could either self-correct if able, or ask for help appropriately (e.g., a sensory break or a walk around the school with the special ed professional).  By teaching him to identify the signs and stages of losing control, he could hopefully have access to the support he needed and decrease the number of incidents where his behavior did reach that point of no return.

The cards

Justin and I took five index cards and numbered them one through five. He then drew a Mario face on each one, with number one being calm and happy. These faces progressed with two and three – feeling a little uncomfortable and weird – and on to four and five, which represented needing help and finally a complete meltdown.

We then laminated them, punched holes in the upper left corners and put them on a key ring for him to carry with him. Each morning I walked into class with him, did some sensory exercises, and asked him to identify how he felt with one of the number cards. In most cases, the amount of exercises done would directly correspond to his number, and our goal was to have him at a one or two before I would leave the classroom for the day.

The result

This number system quickly became a simple means to have him check in with himself throughout the day. For numbers three and four he had a set list of appropriate suggestions to help him get back to a one or two. Even when we experienced days where a five was reached, the stage was at least identified quickly, allowing the teachers to activate an “emergency plan” we wrote into his IEP.

I honestly feel that having Justin create these cards with me and begin to use them really helped him get to know himself in a systematic and linear way that he could clearly understand. They helped him with his feelings, they helped take the guesswork out of the picture for the teachers, and they helped our family both at home and any public outings.

What have you used in your house that helps identify emotions and stages of behaviors? I’d love for you to share!

Spirit of Autism Puberty

Puberty, Autism and Emotional Shutdowns

Spirit of Autism Puberty“The universe hates me!”

My son came stomping out of his room and collapsed onto the floor, heaving a huge sigh of frustration.

Unfortunately, this is not a new scene in my house, as I also have a 16-year old daughter. ‘Nuff said. But more importantly, puberty and autism can create a vicious cocktail that seems to bring on extremely magnified sensory issues, increased hyperactivity, regressive behaviors, and a whole lot of unexplained emotions. My boy just turned 12, but we started experiencing a profusion of puberty related issues as early as nine.

“The universe is incapable of hating, sweetie. What’s wrong?”

Evidently he had built a statue of his Minecraft skin in one of the game’s worlds and he told me that his friend destroyed it.  Minecraft is a unique multiplayer computer game where you learn survival skills and build custom worlds. The creative and building aspects of Minecraft allow players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D world.

First and foremost, I was extremely proud of his ability to articulate to me that he was upset, the reason he was upset, and that he had worked very hard on the statue and it had taken him a long time. This is a HUGE milestone for us! But before we had a chance to begin talking about it, everything started going wrong for him. Everything he touched seemed to break or malfunction. He tried to pet the dogs and they ran away from him. His sister yelled at him for seemingly no reason.

I know from experience that when you have the “everything sucks” filter on, your experiences will follow suit. You know, like when you start out having a bad day it seems that your car won’t start, you spill coffee on yourself, you mess up a client proposal… have you ever had a day like that?

So the first thing I had to do was help diffuse his “universe hates me” perspective, starting with three deep and centering breaths together.

Delayed responses are another typical experience for Autistic children, and once I thought he was in a calmer place (about 30 minutes later), he started crying uncontrollably about the loss of his statue. It was that real guttural crying, too; I felt horrible. I consoled him and acknowledged that he felt upset that his statue was destroyed.

We then talked about choices. I told him he could either play one of his other favorite games (offline) to help get his mind off of it for now or he could choose to talk to his friend and tell him that his feelings were hurt. He could ask him why he destroyed the statue and open the lines of communication.

He had already removed his friend from his Skype list and blocked him from his server! His impulsivity coupled with an intensity of emotions he wasn’t accustomed to had caused him to overreact and shut down.

Once the tears were dry, we played a game called “5 Other Things”. I learned this gold nugget of a coping skill as a teenager and it’s never failed me. The idea is that it’s not what happens to us that causes emotional distress, rather our interpretation of it.  For instance, if a person doesn’t show up for a meeting with me I might immediately feel hurt and angry, assuming I had been blown off. This could rapidly lead to a barrage of negative thoughts: “Did they even INTEND to show up? Am I not good enough for a simple text or phone call letting me know? Who do they think they are?!” etc.

“5 Other Things” forces you to step outside of that neural pattern and look at some other possibilities for the event in question. Was there a family emergency? Are they simply running late? Car trouble? Did one of us write down the wrong day?

Naturally, if someone does this sort of thing to you regularly, “5 Other Things” is not the answer… getting a new friend is J

Being that my son didn’t SEE his statue being destroyed (it was simply gone when he logged back in to the server), we looked at some other possibilities:

  • Did another person playing on that server do it?
  • Did the game malfunction somehow?
  • Could his friend have accidentally done it?
  • Was the site hacked?
  • Did aliens land on earth and destroy all human forms of online entertainment? (Silly can be good if you’re trying to break neural patterns!)

“5 Other Things” worked! After some investigating (and a proven screenshot alibi of the suspect, ha!) he and his NOW UNBLOCKED friend discovered that the server crashed and the world was restored from an earlier version… before he had built the statue.

What a great learning opportunity this was for us! When puberty, autism and emotional shutdowns occur, we now have a blueprint:

  1. Take three deep breaths together
  2. Encourage him to share what is wrong, and praise him for being able to name it
  3. Help diffuse the “everything sucks” filter or mindset
  4. Acknowledge the feelings he is experiencing without judgment or criticism
  5. Play the “5 Other Things” game – without fear of getting a little silly!
Spirit of autism stim

Why Do They Stim?

Spirit of autism stimAs a caregiver, educator, or even parent of a child with Autism, you’re most likely accustomed to witnessing some repetitive behaviors on a regular basis that seem odd… and even make you feel a little uncomfortable.

Whether or not you are familiar with the term “stimming” (short for “self-stimulation”), you’ve probably seen it in the form of hand or arm flapping, spinning, rocking back and forth, or self-injurious versions like hitting or biting oneself.

Stimming can also be verbal. It’s not uncommon to hear repetitive squealing, screaming, or sound effects coming from a child with Autism. In fact, one of my son’s favorite noises can be heard here (speakers DOWN, trust me!)   The neighbors have actually called the police in response to hearing that one on a summer day when his bedroom windows happened to be open. They thought he was in a life-threatening situation!

Yes, some days my son’s stimming can be enough to turn my hair grey. But then I think, if it’s this hard for me to deal with his noises and repetitive behaviors… what is HE going through? How hard is it for HIM to deal with his environment?

Why do they stim?

One of the biggest reasons is to counteract an overwhelming sensory environment. 

We don’t just have five senses, like we were taught in school. We actually receive sensory input through sights, sounds, touch, tastes, smells, movement and balance, body position and muscle control.

Difficulty interpreting the input leads to devastating consequences with:

  • Interactions with others
  • Daily functioning
  • Behavior
  • Regulating emotions
  • Learning
  • Social relationships

Stimming is a way to retreat and relieve the pain and overwhelm of your surroundings.

It also alleviates high levels of anxiety felt daily. If you had to spend most of your energy trying to process and block out painful noises, lights, smells, and textures how much focus would you have left for daily tasks, learning and growth?

Stimming helps to refocus and realign. The ability to create order and routine from the chaos of your surroundings is sometimes as easy as spinning in an office chair or rocking back and forth.

It’s soothing. I always found it strange that my son hears things ten times louder than I do and noises like the school bell are painful, yet when he screams or squeals it somehow calms him. But it’s true. Many adults with Autism have told me the same – it feels good.

It’s like a steam pressure valve. What happens when a valve stays closed and the pressure builds up with no release? Yup! Nuclear meltdown…

One of the biggest points I like to make when I train Emergency Responders – who certainly can mistake stimming for drug use, mental illness or non-compliance – is that they should NEVER try to stop someone from stimming unless they are hurting themselves or others.

Imagine telling a blind person not to put their arms out to find their way around a room, just because it looked “weird” or made us uncomfortable. That’s how I view stimming – it’s necessary for my son to function at this time. Now that I’m able to better understand his experience, I’m not nearly as stressed by it – but we DO work on redirection and (sometimes) going to a designated place to stim freely. It helps him identify with his own body’s needs, which ultimately gives him more confidence and self awareness.

When you think about it – how many of you bite your nails, tap your foot, drum with a pen, scratch or even pick at things when you’re stressed? I know I do some of those! Isn’t that a form of stimming? Yeah, we all kinda stim in our own way, don’t we?

Do you struggle with your child or student’s stimming behaviors? Share by commenting below or posting on the SOA Facebook page!

spirit of autism sensory

It’s All About the Sensory

spirit of autism sensoryOkay, not ALL… but sensory issues play a bigger role in the daily lives of children with Autism than you might think.

I have always tried to explain this to the adults, teachers, caretakers, and yes, even physicians in my son’s life, who insisted that my child needed to be medicated for hyperactive and impulsive behavior.

There were certainly quirky and challenging things about him, even from birth. But I also had a girl first; so many of his odd behaviors were instantly dismissed as “boy stuff.” The real trouble started when he went to Pre-K and had to transition to different activities, sit quietly in circle time, and interact with a group of peers.

I remember waiting months to see a highly-acclaimed pediatric neurologist before my son was officially diagnosed with Autism. He was four at the time. For our long-awaited appointment, we were in the waiting room for an hour and in the doctor’s office waiting for another hour. What four-year-old would NOT be climbing up the walls at that point?

The doctor came in and promptly spent 10 minutes with us.

“Write your name.”

“Stand on one foot and hop.”

“Copy this drawing of a tree.”

“Ma’am, your son has ADHD, fine motor dyspraxia, ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), and maybe some sensory stuff going on. Here’s your prescription for Adderall. See you in six months.”

Whoa… wha? Oppositional DEFIANT Disorder? He’s FOUR! When my daughter was four I practically wanted to SELL her! (Kidding. Mostly.) Of COURSE he was hyper! We just waited TWO hours to see him! And what’s with the meds? No explanation of any of these “disorders”? No constructive suggestions? No support or help?


I researched all of the labels that supposedly defined my baby boy. Yes, he was hyperactive, but the first one that really grabbed my attention was sensory processing disorder. I went through a checklist and instantly started understanding my son and the world he lives in. Many of those “quirks” were a direct stress-response to how he interprets all the sensory input from his day-to-day environment.

We had an entire sensory evaluation done with a different specialist, and eventually arrived at the Autism diagnosis.

Once I started to differentiate between “My body hurts, I’m exploding inside and need help” and “I’m being a boy and testing my boundaries” my whole world changed, and so did my son’s.

The school system did not follow suit, unfortunately. During our IEP (Individualized Education Program) meetings I provided all of his sensory triggers in a document, what calming methods worked for us, and physical toys and music that he could keep in his private break area at school. The Special Education Director for the district continued to try and strongly suggest he be medicated.

I was actually told in one of these meetings that I was the type of mother that would deny my child insulin if he had Diabetes just because I wouldn’t put him on Adderall or Ritalin. Unbelievable!

I calmly repeated, “We need to start here, with these sensory issues. It is tangible – you can SEE he is struggling in direct response to these triggers. Why not start with what we know and work out from there? Let’s see what behaviors are left after we address some of these root causes and we can re-evaluate from there.”

Although I finally began homeschooling my son after years of battling with the school, this information is still critical. Almost every outburst, meltdown, or seemingly “defiant” behavior can be traced down to a sensory problem my son is experiencing at the moment.

Recently I ran across Asperger Experts – two young men with Asperger’s Syndrome that have navigated their way through the roughest times of childhood and adolescence and are now helping parents and educators do the same.

They have a program called “Fundamentals For Thriving Bundle.” It’s been extremely helpful for me to continue to understand, teach and support my son in a way that he is most receptive.

They published a video called, “The Sensory Funnel.” It’s a MUST-SEE if you want to learn more about your child’s or student’s sensory issues, how they affect day-to-day living, and what you can do to help him or her succeed.

Watch the video below and let me know your thoughts! I’d love to hear if it clicked for you like it did for me, and any other comments, successes or struggles you’re going through right now!