autistic adults workplace

Guest Post: Autistic Adults in the Workplace

More autistic adults are entering the workforce than ever before and with it the number of resources benefiting both employees as well as employers is growing. Not only are these autistic adults entering the workforce, they are are thriving, and this may be a direct result of the growing network of support for those with autism. With growing awareness of the different types of autism and more advice it has never been easier to be an autistic adult in the workplace.

  • What Kind of Autism? – The first thing you need to know is that autism is known as a ‘Spectrum Disorder’, meaning that autism can range from high functioning to severe. Sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint as symptoms aren’t necessarily the same even with the same diagnosis, so it’s always best to have an open flow of communication between employer and employee so that both parties understand the specifics and the best way to handle them. Different skills and abilities will affect how they integrate into the workplace. If communication or social capabilities aren’t strong, autistic adults may prefer a quiet working environment rather than a busy office; some may not mind working with others but may have difficulties with changes and disruptions.
  • What Challenges are Commonly Faced? – While entering the workforce can be a challenge for everyone, for autistic adults they face a tough transition due to communication and social struggles. More common problems faced by autistic adults include:
  1. Difficulties adjusting to the working environment, especially if the workplace isn’t used to the needs of those with autism.
  2. Misunderstanding the emotions of others and responding in an inappropriate manner.
  3. Difficulties understanding instruction and changes in the routine.
  4. Behaviors that are obsessive or repetitive could disrupt the balance of the working environment, especially amongst other co-workers who aren’t used to or sensitive to the needs of those with autism.
  5. Processing sensory matter can sometimes interfere with work performance.

Fortunately, both employees with autism and their co-workers can overcome all of the challenges they may face through training. By researching training programs and support groups, employers can create a working environment of equals. Autistic adults can also look to improve their skills for a working environment the same way. It’s all about working together to create a professional and supportive working environment.

Thriving in the Job – With the right support and facilities autistic adults can thrive in their employment. There are many autism support organizations out there to help autistic adults find appropriate work placements as well as sourcing employers whom understand their needs. It’s important for those with autism to work in an environment where they are not discriminated and that meets their needs and capabilities; so it might be worth considering for an autistic employee to continue in a job skills support program while they are employed, to work out any communication or socialization issues.

This article was written by A. Elliott; a writer with an interest in autism awareness. She occasionally writes for Voyage Care, providers of autism care and supported living.

autistic child disrespectful

Why is My Child So Disrespectful?

Have you ever enrolled your child in a great therapeutic or alternative program that offered improvements in behavior? Maybe things are cruising along, everyone’s in the flow… and then bam! Suddenly your child seems WORSE than before! Now there is some backtalk and strong opinions about things where there was harmony and eager-to-please attitudes before.

Or maybe you have a great set of tools that have been working for certain struggles at home or in school and then suddenly they stop. They wear off. The rewards lost their power and any consequences don’t seem to matter.

It’s very frustrating and confusing, especially when you can’t identify reasons or patterns. Erratic and disrespectful deeds and outbursts seem to be all you encounter.

If you’re like me, you immediately start analyzing where you think you’ve gone wrong as a parent, or what rules you are too relaxed about, or what changes should be made effective immediately to end this new attitude in your home.

Before you start calling military schools or Nanny 911, take a step back and consider what might be going on. It may not be disrespect at all!

There is a big picture. One that your child cannot identify for him or herself, so you have to play detective: be open-minded and look for some clues.

Sensory Processing issues

Is there a possibility of sensory overload present when you see these behaviors? Could something have changed in your home? A new vacuum, different light bulbs, more chaos (especially around the holidays!) or a family stress? What about different clothing or new foods? If you were being assaulted by your senses daily, you might “act out” to seek refuge or override an impending meltdown. To others this would look like a tantrum or behavior issue, but it may be as simple as making some adjustments in your home to accommodate oversensitive eyes or ears.

Fear from a change or disruption in routine

Many of us witnessed a great many outbursts and regression of old behaviors in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Simple things like not having the right cereal bowl when you give your child breakfast may set off a litany of bad behaviors or verbal outbursts that seem unreasonable or like our child is seriously overreacting. What you’re seeing is your child’s need for safety and order. This is not a logical discussion or something you can “reason your child out of”. Order, safety and stability are basic human needs and they are magnified in situations that are happening outside of your child’s control (and outside of yours in many cases!).

Have empathy and try to keep as many of the routines and rituals intact as possible. Use social stories to explain natural disasters or other really tough situations.


When puberty enters the picture you may have to throw everything you know out the window. It doesn’t matter how many years it’s been since progress was made or a behavior was licked. I dedicated a whole article to puberty and Autism that explains some of the lovely, odd things you may experience during this time.

Among these are unexpected rage over small incidents, new food likes and dislikes, sleep schedules running amok, regression of old behaviors, appetite changes, and sensory issues that are tenfold. Remember, if you’re having a hard time, imagine what your child is experiencing!

“Healing crisis”

This is a tricky one. When you see regression or outbursts you automatically assume something’s not working. However, it very well could be the opposite. Here’s a sensitive analogy:

When an alcoholic gets sober they assume life will be kittens and rainbows because they’ve stopped drinking. After all, drinking caused their problems, right? What really happens is all of the mucky feelings and issues that were being suppressed with alcohol come floating to the surface and the alcoholic must learn to now deal with these emotions in a new and healthy way. It takes time and work! New tools, new skill sets and lots of support are required.

When your child gets some of the major sensory issues out of the way with a new therapy, diet or treatment the same thing is happening. The fog is being lifted and now they must learn how to deal with the world in a new way. In some cases, your angel may be finding their voice for the first time. They might be exercising their right to an opinion, or learning to say no. This is a time for support and patience, even though it may feel like you want to start over or jump to the next option because this doesn’t seem to be working.

Lack of empathy skills

I have to constantly remind myself of this one. Right now, my son does not have the skills to understand what something might feel like to someone else. We are certainly making progress! He is so intelligent and advanced in so many ways that this one is easy for me to consistently overlook.

If you only knew how many times he hurt one of us or one of our dogs with proprioceptive crashing or impulsive behaviors and I blurted out, “How would YOU feel if someone did this to you?!?!?!”

“Um… dunno.”

I always thought this was disrespect, but he truly doesn’t know! We are now learning to try and equate something I would like to something he can relate to, and I’m seeing great results with this new method. For instance, when I don’t want him screaming in my face and jumping on me, I point out a time when he needed his space alone in his room to finish programming his new Mario world and then I ask for the same space.

Just being a child

Another one that flies out the window for me often. I am so entrenched in the world of Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder that I have to stop and realize sometimes he’s just being a boy! I have two brothers. One used to throw dried dog poop down the back of my shirt. During winter he would pack snow around a rock when we had snowball fights and nail me in the head. A brother’s job is to find his sibling’s hot buttons and push them as often and as creatively as possible.

Autism is not a “get out of jail free” card when it comes to unacceptable behavior for my child. It can be tough to discern what is bad behavior and what is self protection from a confusing world. I have to have boundaries and rules, but I can also have an understanding of the real meaning behind the behaviors so my choices come from a place of empathy and love when it’s time to take action as a parent.

What about you? How do you know when it’s disrespect and when it’s a behavior issue? Share your comments below of post them on the SOA Facebook page!

IEP Meeting

Getting What You Need and Want from Your IEP Meeting: Before, During and After

This week’s post is from special guest Erica DuPont, LCSW

Before: Positive self-talk!  If you tell yourself that everyone is against you in the meeting, then you will present with a negative attitude during the meeting.  Most teachers want the best for kids and are willing to support your requests and somewhat mentor you through the educational system. Having teacher support can go a long way.  If you are able to understand what resources the teacher needs in order to really help your child, then you can enlist an advocate to ask for those resources.  This way, the teacher is not put on the spot, or thrown under the bus, and the “neutral” person is asking for the additional support.  Keep the teacher on your team – let your advocate be the one that brings up the uncomfortable questions or suggestions.

Preparation is the key to success no matter what professional field, sport, or activity you engage in. The same holds true for IEP meetings. If you want to have a great IEP meeting then you must prepare ahead of time. When I accompany parents to IEP meetings as a professional advocate, I prepare ahead of time and don’t just show up to the meeting and try to wing it. Read over the list of academic standards for your child’s grade.  This will give you a starting point to know what goals and objectives would be appropriate to ask for on your IEP.  There is so much conversation and dialogue during these IEP meetings and it can be very emotionally draining.  Do not attend an IEP meeting alone. Even if you dress up your neighbor and they do not say a word, their presence is a support.  It is helpful to have someone taking notes for you and to bounce things off of after the meeting.

During: Stay calm.  It can be overwhelming to sit at a table full of adults…but do not forget…you are an adult too!  Actually, you are the most important adult at that table.  It is your child that all these people are meeting about.  It is within your right as a parent to excuse anyone from the meeting that you do not feel has an educationally relevant reason to be there.  You have much more control and power in these meetings than you may think.  If there is something you do not understand, please stop them and ask them to explain in detail.  It is helpful to have your list of possible goals and objectives with you so you can refer to them as your IEP is being written.  However, before the goals and objectives section of an IEP, there is a “Present Level of Performance” section that is reviewed by the team.  This is a summary of how your child is CURRENTLY doing in academics and other related areas.  Be sure to list all your concerns in this present level of performance – goals and objectives cannot be written if the information is not supported in the “Present Level of Performance” section.  You can always ask to go back and add to this section during the meeting.

These are common questions that you may be asked about your child during the IEP meeting. Consider these in advance so you are prepared:

1. What are your child’s strengths?

2. What motivates your child to learn?

3. What are your child’s areas of weakness?

4. Have you found any techniques or strategies helpful in addressing your child’s weaker areas?

5. Do you have a goal or anything in particular that you would like your child to learn this year?

In addition, you also have the right to ask questions.  Here are some examples of questions you might want to ask the team:

1. What specific learning strategies are written on the IEP?

2. Will peer tutoring by used with my child?

3.  Is the IEP academic plan based on learning functional skills? (reading a recipe, ordering from a menu, counting out money, telling time, etc.)

4.  At what age do you being involving my child in goal setting and self-advocacy

5. Do you feel my child qualifies for an FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment)?

After: What’s done is done, right?  No! You can request an IEP meeting at any time, as many times as you would like during the school year.  If you go home and read over your notes, discuss the meeting with your friend or partner and you feel something was missed, do not hesitate to call anther meeting.  The IEP is a working document which means it can always be added to or changed.

Make sure you get copies of everything.  Ask for a copy of the IEP, any pages you were asked to sign and the conference summary.  Please read over the conference summary carefully.  This summary addresses what topics were discussed during the entire meeting.  If you feel something is missing from the summary or do not agree with something on the summary, you can ask that it be changed or added or deleted BEFORE you sign it.  I know you are tired once the meeting comes to an end, but don’t give up yet until you feel comfortable with those conference summary notes!

Give yourself a pat on the back, these meetings can be stressful but you can feel more prepared and less overwhelmed with the proper support.  For more great IEP information for any state, including thousands of goals and objectives and tons of resources, check out our website at

Best of luck to you and your family.

Bad Behavior or Shedding Old Skin?

Have you experienced some exciting, big changes in your child with Autism after an intensive therapy program? Did you find that shortly after you noticed great progress you were also witnessing some less than desirable behaviors?

When you start to “retrain” the brain, It’s like peeling layers of an onion and getting your child closer to their true self. Being previously veiled by sensory overload and expending most of their energy simply trying to navigate through day-to-day experiences, your child is most likely now starting to take interest in people rather than objects, become curious, and feel many emotions for the first time. Do they know how to deal with these emotions? Probably not!

You may start to see some challenging (and downright ugly) behaviors and automatically assume your child is regressing or your therapy is ineffective.

Remember that it’s like starting over in many ways. They are experiencing the world around them with new senses. While in survival mode, your child was incapable of learning some of the tools necessary for coping with everyday situations. After substantial progress is made in the way they process sensory input, they are now open to understand and practice these skills for the first time. But it does take patience.

Maybe they just found their voice and are starting to express extreme likes and dislikes, or preferences for people and activities. Maybe they are so curious they are asking incessant questions about every sentence that comes out of your mouth. Perhaps they are touching things more, or having a new kind of tantrum when they don’t get their way. Take a step back and remember this is all new.

Last night my son was in his room and I started hearing unearthly screams from behind the closed door, each swelling louder than the last, with increasing frustration. He was trying to make something work that wasn’t cooperating. My first instinct as a mother was to run in and comfort him and perhaps even correct the problem; I hated hearing him so upset! There was also a part of me that was flinching with each piercing scream, and I admittedly had control the urge to yell even louder to get him to stop.

Either action would have been a true disservice to him. What I needed to do was sit with him and explain what happens when we let ourselves get that frustrated with things. I needed to teach him a manageable protocol for dealing with those feelings, before they get to the point where he’s breaking items because he can’t get it them function correctly.

I made it clear that it was always okay for him to feel whatever he was feeling, but that there were other things he could do to deal with those feelings. We talked about how to handle it when something isn’t working – not continuing to do the same thing repeatedly (only harder), but to stop, take five deep breaths and either ask for help or start asking questions. What am I not seeing? Is there another way to do this? If it can’t be done, can I be okay with that? Can mom help? Should I call for her?

Social stories and visual cues are great tools – it’s a good time to revisit some past attempts that may or may not have been successful for you before. My son and I started employing American Sign Language and certain codes from the police and fire scanner to alert each other that it’s time to use one of our new behaviors. As often as possible, I lead him to try and work out the progression on his own instead of solely giving him exact instructions.

It’s a new and exciting time when this kind of progress is made. It’s also easy to have expectations about coping skills and behaviors you assume should come with that progress. It’s my experience that I can always use a “refresher course” on the very things I’m teaching my son for the first time.

How about you? What are some behaviors you’ve mistaken for regression? What are some ways you worked through them with your child? I’d love to hear your stories, so please comment below or post them on my Facebook page so we can help each other!