What are My Top 6 Go-To Blogs?

Despite what goes on in my home from day-to-day, I truly never have to feel alone as a parent raising a child with Autism. It’s 2012, and the number of resources, experts, and all-around amazing souls available at the click of my mouse is one of the backbones of my survival. I wish this were the case when we first got a diagnosis and I was overwhelmed, frustrated, scared and confused (and very, very isolated)… but, as we know, everything happens in perfect timing.

These six blogs are my go-to places for experience, strength and hope. I am honored to have connected with everyone here, and can’t wait to do more together in some capacity in 2012. Here are my Top 6:

Louise Sattler
Louise is one of my soul sisters that I can’t wait to meet in person! She is a nationally recognized speaker that infuses her delivery with the kind of humor I adore. She is also a psychologist and owner of Signing Families™.  As soon as I get my act together, rather BALANCED (a non-negotiable goal for me in 2012!), we will collaborate and create greatness! Her support of my voice in the Autism community means more to me than I could ever express.

Gluten Free Gigi
Another soul sister that shares my city… we keep threatening to meet in person and finally share coffee talk! She took being gluten free by the horns and instead of balking about the foods she used to love she started creating masterpieces in the kitchen. Gigi has discovered creating and preparing these new, gluten free healthier versions of the foods she loves isn’t that difficult, is better for her and her family, and much less expensive than buying pre-packaged, gluten free foods and mixes. I have much to learn from her, and boy am I relieved! I’m so tired of buying $9 boxes of “Lemur Puffs” that make my son turn his nose up and say, “It’s not the SAAAAAME!”

Connie Hammer – Parent Coaching for Autism

Connie is an amazing, positive support for parents that especially want to take the struggle out of common hardships when it comes to raising a child with Autism. Bedtime, potty issues, holiday meltdowns – you name it. She celebrates and honors each parent and child as the individual they are, rather than pushing a “cookie cutter” system. I learn something from every single one of her blogs and newsletters.

Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer – Kitchen Classroom 4 Kids

Ms. Kaplan-Mayer wrote The Kitchen Classroom: 32 Visual GFCF Recipes to Boost Developmental Skills. We loved it so much I wrote a review about it. What I love is that this is not just a cookbook (cue Twilight Zone music… anyone else remember that episode? To Serve Man?). Specific activities are spelled out to help develop fine and gross motor skills, assist with cognitive abilities, speech and language, and address sensory input issues. She has a Recipe of the Week blog that is really fun!

Kid Companions

Creators of Chewelry, this blog offers a wide array of viewpoints and resources when it comes to everything special needs. Their goal is to help special kids be themselves and thrive. Each of their products give us parents peace of mind and support our special children. If your child is like mine and destroys pens, straws, clothing, video game styluses (stylii?) and whatever else is near because of chewing fixations… you need Chewelry!

Stark. Raving. Mad. Mommy.

I have no idea what her real name is, but I’ve been following her over all forms of social media for quite some time. Her sardonic wit and twisted perspectives sometimes get me through the day. It’s a little edgy and in your face, but come on – don’t we all crave that sometimes? She writes about parenting, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, ADHD, allergies, asthma, Asperger Syndrome, and whatever else is cooking at any given moment. Good stuff!

So there it is. There are a lot of other amazing people I currently support and collaborate with, but in order to keep things consistent (I have little specks of Monk in me from time to time) everyone listed here must have a blog that is updated regularly.

What blogs provide great value for you? Let me know by commenting below or on the SOA Facebook page!

Bad Behavior or Shedding Old Skin?

Have you experienced some exciting, big changes in your child with Autism after an intensive therapy program? Did you find that shortly after you noticed great progress you were also witnessing some less than desirable behaviors?

When you start to “retrain” the brain, It’s like peeling layers of an onion and getting your child closer to their true self. Being previously veiled by sensory overload and expending most of their energy simply trying to navigate through day-to-day experiences, your child is most likely now starting to take interest in people rather than objects, become curious, and feel many emotions for the first time. Do they know how to deal with these emotions? Probably not!

You may start to see some challenging (and downright ugly) behaviors and automatically assume your child is regressing or your therapy is ineffective.

Remember that it’s like starting over in many ways. They are experiencing the world around them with new senses. While in survival mode, your child was incapable of learning some of the tools necessary for coping with everyday situations. After substantial progress is made in the way they process sensory input, they are now open to understand and practice these skills for the first time. But it does take patience.

Maybe they just found their voice and are starting to express extreme likes and dislikes, or preferences for people and activities. Maybe they are so curious they are asking incessant questions about every sentence that comes out of your mouth. Perhaps they are touching things more, or having a new kind of tantrum when they don’t get their way. Take a step back and remember this is all new.

Last night my son was in his room and I started hearing unearthly screams from behind the closed door, each swelling louder than the last, with increasing frustration. He was trying to make something work that wasn’t cooperating. My first instinct as a mother was to run in and comfort him and perhaps even correct the problem; I hated hearing him so upset! There was also a part of me that was flinching with each piercing scream, and I admittedly had control the urge to yell even louder to get him to stop.

Either action would have been a true disservice to him. What I needed to do was sit with him and explain what happens when we let ourselves get that frustrated with things. I needed to teach him a manageable protocol for dealing with those feelings, before they get to the point where he’s breaking items because he can’t get it them function correctly.

I made it clear that it was always okay for him to feel whatever he was feeling, but that there were other things he could do to deal with those feelings. We talked about how to handle it when something isn’t working – not continuing to do the same thing repeatedly (only harder), but to stop, take five deep breaths and either ask for help or start asking questions. What am I not seeing? Is there another way to do this? If it can’t be done, can I be okay with that? Can mom help? Should I call for her?

Social stories and visual cues are great tools – it’s a good time to revisit some past attempts that may or may not have been successful for you before. My son and I started employing American Sign Language and certain codes from the police and fire scanner to alert each other that it’s time to use one of our new behaviors. As often as possible, I lead him to try and work out the progression on his own instead of solely giving him exact instructions.

It’s a new and exciting time when this kind of progress is made. It’s also easy to have expectations about coping skills and behaviors you assume should come with that progress. It’s my experience that I can always use a “refresher course” on the very things I’m teaching my son for the first time.

How about you? What are some behaviors you’ve mistaken for regression? What are some ways you worked through them with your child? I’d love to hear your stories, so please comment below or post them on my Facebook page so we can help each other!