My Son’s Interview with Mario & Luigi

Boy has it been a fun week at our house! I did an awesome project with my son and he really pulled it off beautifully! I’m so proud of him.

When I was a child I had to very creatively keep myself entertained. One of the things I remember doing was an interview with The Monkees: I taped myself asking clever questions and used snippets of their songs as the interview answers. Yeah, pretty dorky – I know!

I introduced this concept to my son and together we came up with funny questions for Mario and his brother Luigi. We used sound files from the actual video games as the answers.

Another one of the amazing gains I’ve witnessed in Justin since the start of his Listening Training is his ability to use inflections in his speech. Prior to this his voice was monotone and robotic, showing no differentiation between excitement or drudgery. He did such a good job, I just HAD to share it!

So without further ado… here is Justin interviewing Mario and Luigi:


In Other News…

My daughter turned 13! In her spirited uniqueness, we came up with a really fun party for her and her closest friends.

The theme was wolves… complete with “goth” photo shoot against a wolf paw backdrop. Then everyone was required to check their reservations at the door as we performed our own version of “Whose Line is it Anyway” (comedy improv show). It was hands-down the most creative party I’ve hosted to date. Here’s the cake I made:

We enjoyed the improv games so much that we decided to turn them into twice monthly gatherings with her friends! I’m really looking forward to coordinating it!! Finally, my 3 years in Drama class being put to use :)

This week’s lesson:

I learned that quality time with my children doesn’t have to cost anything more than my time and some creative ideas. How about you? What fun things have you done with your kiddos? Let me know by commenting below, or post your thoughts on Facebook or Twitter!

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